What is SEO? Your Complete Step-By-Step Guide

Want to know everything about SEO? Before we teach you how it works and how to do it, let's first take a look at the definition of SEO and then delve into the work of SEO.

What is SEO?
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of taking action to help a site or content item get a higher ranking on Google.

The main difference between SEO and paid advertising is that SEO includes an "organic" ranking, which means you're not paying to be in that space. To make it a little easier, search engine optimization means getting a snippet of online content and optimization for search engines, such as Google, which have mapped to the top of the page when someone is looking for something.

Look at it this way. When someone types "vegan lasagna" on Google, they're probably looking for a recipe, ingredients, and instructions on how to make it. If you have written an article about making vegan lasagna, you would like people to find your recipe. In order for someone to find it, you need to take first place among all other vegan lasagna recipe sites. It's not that simple, but it's what SEO marketing is all about.

Let's share it even more: most searches on Theeb In fact, 75% of these searches start on Google.
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To better understand how you can rank your content higher in search engines, you first need to understand how search works.

The ultimate goal of this article, is to help you understand all the search details to be able to optimize the content to get a higher Google score and get more eyeballs in their publications.

Main elements of SEO: SEO per page and SEO per page
When it comes to broader SEO, there are two equally important ways: SEO per page and SEO per page.

SEO on the site involves creating content to improve ranking. It's about putting keywords on pages and content, regularly writing high-quality content, ensuring that meta tags and titles are keyword-rich and well-written, among other things.

SEO outside the page is optimization that occurs outside the site itself, such as getting backlinks. This part of the equation involves creating relationships and creating content that people want to share. Although it requires a lot of work, it is an integral part of SEO success.

SEO strategies: black hat vs white hat
I have always played a long-term entrepreneurial game and I believe that is the way forward. However, this does not apply to everyone. Some people prefer to make money quickly and move on.

When it comes to SEO, the pursuit of quick profits is often called "SEO in black hat"."People who implement SEO in black hat usually use clever tactics like pushing keywords and scraping links to quickly take their place. This might work in the short term and increase traffic to your website.

Hat SEO, on the other hand, is a way to build an online business. If you do SEO this way, you will focus on your human audience.

You will try to provide them with the best possible content and make it easily accessible by playing according to the rules of the search engine.

SEO Marketing black hat vs white hat
This is an image of Inbound Marketing Inc. he does a great job with his division, but let him shed a little more light on these topics:

Duplicate content: when someone tries to rank a certain keyword, they can duplicate the content of their site to repeatedly try to include that keyword in their text. Google penalizes sites that do so.
Invisible text and keyword filling: a few years ago, Black Hat's strategy was to put a lot of keywords at the bottom of articles, but make them the same color as the background. This strategy will get you blacklisted very quickly. The same goes for filling keywords where they don't belong.
Hide and redirect: when it comes to redirecting, there is a right and wrong way to do it. A bad way is to buy multiple domains with high-content keywords and drive all traffic to one site.
Bad linking practices: going out and buying a Fiverr package that promises 5,000 links in 24 hours is the wrong way to create links. You should get links from relevant content and sites in your niche that have their own traffic.
Since Google penalizes sites that do these things, you hear from me only about SEO in the white hat.

However, there is such a thing as SEO in the gray hat. This means that it is not as pure or innocent as the whitest of white hats, but it is not as manipulative as black hat techniques might be. You are not trying to fool anyone or intentionally play the system with a gray hat. However, you are trying to get a clear advantage.

You see, Google's standards are not as clear as we would like. Often, they can also say contradictory things. For example, Google said that it is not a fan of blogs invited for creating links.

How about guest blogging to grow your brand? What if you did it to raise awareness, increase quality traffic to your site w

In the SEO world, it's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. If you buy guest messages on sites that have nothing to do with your niche and spam some links, you will be penalized. If you create unique guest posts that benefit readers on the sites you are interested in, everything will be fine, and link juices will be fine in your site.

SEO Marketing Basics: complete division
Now is the time to learn SEO Marketing. Understanding this is one thing, but SEO requires a lot of action and time. It's not something you can change today and expect results tomorrow. SEO is taking daily steps to achieve long-term success.

You've probably heard this before: "content is king.Bill Gates made this prediction in 1996, and it is as true as it is today.

Why is that?

Because the Google user is happy to find the result that best suits his needs.

When you search for "quick and easy homemade Mac and cheese" on Google, Google will do its best to provide you with what Google considers the best homemade Mac and cheese recipe (which takes little time and uses few ingredients) on the Internet.

Not only look for the fastest recipe, but also the simplest recipe, or launch some online stores for frozen dinners. He's trying to give you exactly what you asked for. Google always strives to provide the best possible experience by guiding you to the highest possible content.

This means that your most important task for SEO success is to create great content.

It's a disappointment, isn't it? There is still a lot of work to be done. SEO is no different from other skills: excellent results are achieved through a lot of effort. Just as the best marketing in the world will not help you sell a poor product, so a very advanced SEO is useless if you do not have quality content.

Content elements
There are a Million elements that are used to create quality content; here are some of my most important elements:

Previously, posting content with lots of keywords was the norm. If you were creating quality content that really solved someone's problem, you were out of competition, making it easier to rank.

Today, the content is much better and many internet companies have blogs that they use to add value to their site and get a higher ranking on Google.

Delivering quality content isn't easy, but the good news is that you don't always have to create content from scratch. You can draw inspiration from what others have created by simply adding more value and deepening your content.

The bottom line is that your content needs to solve a problem or fix whatever brings the reader to your publication. If not, they will quickly click on your page, telling Google that your content does not solve any problems.
Google is paying close attention to intention. He wants to understand what the search engine is looking for by typing something in the search bar.

•    Do they want to know anything?
•    Are they trying to buy something?
•    Are they from the store?
As a content creator, you also need to understand this. You cannot create content on " best ice fishing "and use" Bass Fishing " as your primary keyword. This does not make sense because people usually do not use ice fishing rods for cold fishing. This way you will not give the correct answer to the query

HubSpot has set a benchmark that shows that publishing often helps rank Google. However, posting new content is only one way to communicate Google's freshness. There are many things you can do with previously published content to make it more relevant.

Viewing and updating content for greater accuracy, fixing damaged links, and updating old data with new, more up-to-date statistics are all ways to show Google that your content still deserves a place on the first page.

4 Tips for creating quality content
Here are my top tips for creating better content that readers love and that Google respects:

Understand the user's intentions: you need to know what the reader wants to achieve when it hits your site.
Create a client avatar: you also need to know who your reader is, what they like, what they don't like, and why they're here.
Text separation: people have little time, and writing giant walls of text no longer work; you have to divide it with multiple titles and images.
Do it-there is nothing worse than reading the content and not getting everything you need for something. Your content should be complete, but it should also answer the question " What Now?"Will the reader have everything he needs when he finishes your article?
Search and selection of keywords
We just briefly looked at keyword research that determines how you call your website.

Keywords also define how you build connections, including everything from the tactics you choose to how you plan to implement them. Another common mistake people make is that they stop.

Maybe they are considering their website they do this for a week or two, update their pages, and then stop. They believe that keyword research is a unique thing. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The best SEOs constantly conduct keyword searches.

Keyword research happens for several reasons, but the two main reasons are ranking on Google and creating relevant content. Keywords can often open the door to inspiration, telling you exactly what people want to know, depending on what they are looking for.

Keyword selection elements
Keyword selection is not just displaying a keyword search tool and selecting all keywords in a list. It is necessary to understand the intention of the keyword, as well as its competitiveness. Here are the highlights of the keyword selection:

Choosing the right keywords
Suppose you are selling consulting services. Your service can cost customers $ 10,000 per year. It's just under a thousand dollars a month, so that's out of the question, but it's still pretty expensive.

Now, if you are ranked No. 1 in the "Free Business Development Board", guess what audience you will attract?

You will make people look for things for free! This means they probably won't return their credit card before they get to your site. This keyword can send thousands of people to your site every month. However, this is probably the wrong audience, so there is no point in ranking it. It is better to choose another keyword, even if it means giving up 990 visits per month.

Think about it: if only one or two people are reading this, you are already at the forefront. However, this is not the only common mistake I see. In fact, the next one is even more common.

Competitive analysis
From the beginning, you have chosen the right keyword. This is contextually important to what you are doing and fits best with what you are trying to sell. What will you do next?

Open a keyword tool like Ubersuggest to get related keyword ideas. Sure, you start to lean toward those with the most queries, but here's what you're missing: your ability to rate yourself by keyword often depends more on the competition you're dealing with.
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For example, check out the keyword "content marketing".

an example of marketing content search describing SEO marketing in a SERP
When you put it in this, you say: "o Look, it receives 35,000 requests per month; that's great!"You don't realize that it will take hundreds of backlinks and probably years to even think of the front page ranking as a new site.

Why is that?

Competition is tough. At the moment, sites occupy the first places for this keyword. These sites have been around for some time, have a solid reputation and Google knows that they provide quality information. So they won their place. You have not yet earned the trust of Google and it will take a long time to overtake the competition.

Search intent
Google repeatedly tells us how important search intention is.

Most people focus on keywords. Illogical, that's not what you want to do. Instead of looking at what people write, you should try to identify what they are looking for.

This includes "search intent". This is the difference between getting some traffic and generating real revenue.

Let's start with a basic scenario to highlight the difference. You have a job site that makes money by encouraging companies to post job offers on your site. This means that you need to get a good job site ranking so that people come to your site, not actually or elsewhere.

The more people find work thanks to you, the more you will pay. See what happens with the keyword "engineering activity""

Job search in SEO Engineering marketing
The results are everywhere! Some refer to mechanical engineers, while others focus on software The purpose of each search is completely different, this is what you need to determine. What exactly is this user looking for? What kind of engineer work are interested in them?

Google helps us to do this by matching the search intent to the phrase entered by the user in the search bar. From your perspective, it's important to create content and choose keywords that match the user's search goals.

4 Tips for choosing the best keywords
Here are my suggestions for better keyword research and selection:

Use the tools to help you: you can't do a better keyword search without the tools to help you. Tools like Ubersuggest and Ahrefs provide concurrency information and make life easier.
Understanding semantics: this is a great way to learn about the future of keyword research. Google doesn't bother entering the exact keyword 15 times; what it wants to match is intention. If you specify a keyword, Google is likely to find 12 more associated with it. It is not necessary to include a bass fishing rod, bass fishing rods, bass fishing rods, and all permutations. Google takes it for you if your content is good.
Learn intention: you need to know the intention of the keyword. Understand that there is a big difference between what a buyer is going to bring to Google and what a searcher is going to put to Google. If your content answers a question, you don't need a buyer. If your content sells something, you don't need a searcher.
Spying on competitors: one of the best ways to explore keywords is to see what your competitors are doing and follow them. If someone is in first place on the desired keyword, go to the keyword search tool, enter their URL and see what keywords they are using, given the space for keywords.
The HTML code of your site is an important piece of the SEO marketing puzzle. Without proper tags, headers, and descriptions, Google will have a hard time figuring out what your content is about and why it should rank higher than the competition.

When people read that HTML is part of SEO, they start to get scared, but there is nothing to worry about. You do not need to understand the code, and the process of changing tags and descriptions is very little involved. For the most part, changing the HTML code from an SEO point of view is as easy as copying and pasting.

Elements of HTML
Now, let's break down some of the factors to pay attention to when it comes to HTML.

Title tags
One thing that many people confuse is the title tag and the H1 tag. These are two different headings and should be treated as such. The title tag is what is displayed in the tab at the top of your browser and is displayed when your page is displayed on Google.

example of a title tag for SEO marketing
The area in the black box is your title label. This is the most important header in the search and has a blue or purple color that stands out. You want to put this section to good use by including your main keyword and making the header attractive for users to want to click.

Meta Description
The meta description is the area below. Here's where you get the chance to tell the searcher what the content is about. It is important to optimize this section by keyword, and it does not exceed 160 characters. You want it to display correctly on mobile and desktop screens.

examples of meta descriptions for seo marketing
Schema is the result of a collaboration of several search engines. It's basically a subset of specific HTML tags that enhances the way SERPs display your content.

For example, the author of the above example with Bitcoin used a scheme to create the rating displayed by Google on the SERP. This is a rather weak factor, but certainly a good practice.

When you're done adding your schema, don't forget to test your page to make sure everything is working properly.

An example of a subheading would be your H1. This is the title of your article and is displayed at the top. Although it may seem like a string of words, it is important because it is your H1. This is your main header.

This topic tells Google what the article or piece of content is about. It is also an opportunity to attract readers when they first land on the page. You want to use your main keyword in your H1, but you don't want to stuff keywords.

I also like to think of my H1 as inviting someone to the page. It shouldn't be transactional or pushy. You want to entice readers to continue down the page with your H1.

Alternative Text
The alt text describes an image in your article. All content has it, but a lot of people don't use it. The purpose of alt text is so that search engines can verbally describe the image to visually impaired people. When writing alt text, you want it to decompose the image correctly, but you can also use them to insert keywords.

URL slug
To return to this image, you will see that the box is around the phrase “what is content marketing.”This is the URL slug, which is the part of the URL that tells Google what the content is about. These are also important areas for you to insert your most important keyword.

example of URL slug for SEO marketing
In this example, we used “what is content marketing” to describe the page, and Google should know that the article will break down the details of basic content marketing.

4 Tips to Make the right HTML improvements
Here are my most important tips to keep in mind when making HTML improvements to your site:

Use tools to help yourself: I keep saying this, but it's so important. The various SEO marketing tools that exist are worth the investment because they will help you identify HTML problems with your site. For example, Ahrefs tells you if a site has duplicate title tags or how many articles are missing meta descriptions.
Piggyback on the competition: Stealing is bad, but using your top-tier competitors for inspiration isn't pass. Having trouble figuring out what you should use for your title tag or meta description, see what the competition is doing.
Never stuff keywords: There's nothing worse than a meta description stuffed with keywords that reads horribly. Google will see through it and may even penalize you if you do it enough.
Do not forget about the H2, H3, and H4 headers: We talked about the H1 headers, but do not forget about the rest. These are all important places where you should have your main keywords to help tell Google what topic your article is focusing on.
Site architecture
A good website architecture leads to an excellent user experience, which is important for SEO marketing. It focuses on things like fast loading times, a secure connection, and a mobile-friendly design.

Ideally, you will outline the architecture of your site even before you buy the domain. This allows you to really get inside your user's head and reverse engineer your way to a great user experience (UX).

ConversionXL has a great guide on how to make sure your user experience is effective. There are also some things you need to optimize for a great search engine experience."The more accessible your website is to Google, the better it will rank.

Elements of the Site Architecture
If you're having trouble understanding the site's architecture, the following sections should clear it up for you.

Easy to crawl
You will see the word "crawl" used a lot. This means that Google is browsing your site trying to figure out what it is. Google identifies important keywords, diagnoses on-site issues, and uses these factors to determine where you rank.

Depending on how well they can index all the pages on your site, they will be more likely to report a good result. The thicker the web of links between the pages of your site, the easier it is for spiders to reach all of them, which allows the search engine to better understand your site.

You can make this work easier for Google by creating a sitemap with a simple plugin if you are on WordPress or by using an online XML sitemap generator.

Your goal should be to make the site as easy to explore as possible. If Google is having trouble finding your site, you will have a harder time ranking it because the AI will not pick up all the keywords you are using.

Duplicate Content
There are a lot of myths around duplicate content and how it hurts your rankings. Many people mistakenly assume that everything on your page should be original, but the fact is that search engines do not penalize websites for duplicate content.
Repost content on another website

For example, if you post the same content in a large outlet like Medium, it could hurt your ranking because Google indexes your Medium article first because it is in the most authoritative domain. This is often referred to as a "canonization" issue and can already occur on your site w

Canonical problems occur when one or more site URLs display similar or duplicate content.

In fact, there is a lot of duplicate content on the Internet. A situation where many site owners encounter duplicate content displayed in the sidebar. If you post on your site and receive an introduction in the sidebar, Google may consider this content a duplicate.

There are also cases of duplicate content in two different domains. An example of this is content syndication. Syndication occurs when the original content is republished elsewhere. As long as it is done with permission, Google will not punish you for it.

Mobile usability
We know the Google Mobile first index. This means that we need to create a site that works well on mobile devices because it will be the most important determining factor when Google determines how easy it is to explore your site.

If you go to the Google Search Console, you will find a lot of information about what Google thinks about your site.

SEO Marketing-Google Search
Looking at the image above, you will see that this site has mobile usability issues. If you see similar problems in the Google Search Console, you should fix them immediately.

Page speed

With the introduction of the basic essentials of the Internet, Google pays close attention to the speed and usability of pages. If your site loads too slowly or some items load slowly, Google may penalize you or make it more difficult to promote your competitors.

Again, the Google Search Console will give you this information so you don't have to look for a tool that shows the speed of your site.


Safety and security are important ranking factors. If Google thinks your site is spam or sketchy, it won't give you a ranking on the first page.

One way to filter the good from the bad is to use SSL and HTTPS certificates. Their configuration is simple and can give you a small block next to the URL and HTTPS before the URL string. This is an important confidence signal, and while it doesn't provide as much juice for SEO, it's the best practice that will benefit your long-term goals.

3 tips to improve your site architecture
When improving the site architecture, you need to consider three important factors. Look.

1. Make sure you understand the important features of the basic network: the most important part of the puzzle is the capabilities of the basic network. You need to understand what these elements are, how they affect your score, and what you can do with them. Learn more about this and make sure you follow all the correct steps on your site.

2. get a sitemap: use something like sit A good example of this is a real estate site. Such sites are huge because they have thousands of pages for all their real estate listings. Worse, sites are constantly changing as homes are bought and sold. Getting a sitemap will help your real estate site rank for each address, greatly increasing the number of keywords on which it is located, their traffic and the credibility of the domain.

3. Canonization issues fixed: the content duplication feature is often incorporated into the site, but there are ways to solve such canonization issues. The exact solution depends on the cause of the original problem. It can be as simple as removing a line of code, or as difficult as restructuring the entire site to avoid duplicate content.

Even if Google's Search Console or another tool says you have thousands of repetitive content errors, you really only have one important reason.

If you have multiple versions of the same page, a canonical tag can help you determine which content is original. All you have to do is leave a line of code that leads to the URL of the original page, for example:

line of code for SEO Marketing
Fortunately, plugins like SEO can set the default to publish page or version as canonical so that it always adds that default line. You can also specify it manually in the Advanced Options section for each page or publication:

The quick post page redirects toward
Another tip from  WordPress to save time is to use a plugin to quickly redirect pages/posts.this is useful if you've seen old pages turn into new ones, which often leaves a wave of broken links. Install the plugin and you will be able to add in bulk the old URLs and then the new version of each page.

Use it in conjunction with the Broken Link Checker plugin to see which URLs you should redirect.

wholesale broken link options for SEO marketing
Most SEO-centric tools also examine your site, such as search engines, to test these common problems.

Duplicate content and corrupted links (or 404 errors) are the two most common parsing errors affecting the most websites.

duplicate content and bugs with damaged SEO marketing links
If you don't use a content management system like WWW, or HTTP access files of the site, including the 301 redirects. I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with 301 redirects and get professional help in this case.

PageRank, the famous formula invented by Google's founders, is certainly not the only measure they are taking to rank pages in a dozen search results.

Trust is becoming increasingly important, and most of Google's recent updates have hit spam sites that are unclear. TrustRank is Google's way of verifying whether your site is legit or not. For example, if you're like a big brand, Google will probably trust you. Quality backlinks from reputable sites (such as .edu or .gov domains) are also useful.

Trusted elements on your site
There are now three parts of trust: authority, bounce rate, and age of dominance.


Google determines the overall authority of your website:

The domain authority is associated with the domain of your domain name. Coca-cola.com for example is very authoritative because everyone has heard about it.
The authority of a site refers to the authority regarding the content of a single page (for example, a blog post).
You can use this tool to check connections on a scale of 1 to 100.

The following two popular authorization indicators are the domain and Moz page authorization numbers.

MOQ also bases this result on 100, but it is a weighted scale.

This means that it is relatively easy to go from 0 to 20. however, everything above 50-60 is quite large, and 80-90 is often the highest in the industry.

Bounce Rate
Your bounce rate is simply a measure of the number of people viewing only one page on your site before they leave immediately.

Content, load times, usability, and attractiveness of good readers are part of the reduction in the bounce rate. The calculation is simple: good readers will spend more time on a site that is quick to load, looks good, and has great content.

Video is another great way to do this, but you need to make your video content stand out and broadcast. More importantly, your content should deliver what the reader expects. They need to land on your site and get exactly what they wanted as soon as possible. If you can do this, most people will stay on the site long enough to explain to Google that your site has been updated locally.

Age of domain

Sometimes the most respected person in the room is the oldest, right? It's The Internet. If the site has been around for some time, it creates consistent content and does it in a way that will appeal to search engines no matter what, it will take a higher ranking of the new site.

3 tips for building trust
Here are some of my top tips to help you build trust in your website:

Be patient: self-confidence does not occur overnight. Sometimes you just need to be patient and understand that Google is in no hurry to explore your site. One way to get them to do this first is to make small changes to the site and request indexing in the Google Search console. This will push Google to action, but it still does not guarantee anything.
Understanding intent: most SEO marketing is about understanding what users want, not what you want from them. When someone searches for something on Google, they want to get something. If you provide this solution, be sure to provide a complete solution; otherwise, they will go to your site, realize that it is not good enough, and continue.
Give them what they want: a good tip to keep users from bouncing is to give them what they want once they land on your site. Most people don't want to read the whole article, instead, they need answers and the sooner you give them, the better.
the importance of a reliable hookup profile varies from expert to expert. I still believe that links are one of the most important Google ranking factors for you.

One problem that many SEOs face is that they do not understand how to do it correctly. If you apply the wrong tactics, you are preparing for failure from the very beginning. If you decide to adopt a long-term strategy and establish connections correctly, it may take a little longer, but along the way, you will be grateful to yourself.

Connecting elements
Here are the main factors to consider when creating links to your site:

Quality of communication

Although links are not everything, when you look at Links, their quality is everything. This is much more than the number of links you have. Creating quality backlinks means referring to the right sources and providing value in exchange for a reliable link. There are many ways to build connections correctly, so Google pays those who do it right.

Most people only look at the total number of links, but this is a huge mistake for several reasons:

Search engines can ignore the vast majority of links if they are of low quality or spam.
Links from new sites cost more than duplicate links from existing sites.
Links from other websites cost more than a couple of links from your website (from page to Page).
How to identify a bad link from a good link?

Google expects the received links pointing to your site to be relevant. Switching to Fiverr and buying a concert that offers 10,000 links for $ 100 will not produce the expected results. These will be shitty links to things like MSP space and Soundcloud that are probably not relevant to your niche.

Another thing is that Google searches for sites that charge for links. You can quickly find "Site: write to us", which can lead to such results.

examples of opportunities to host spam visitors in seo marketing
some of these sites may charge you to host visitors to your site in exchange for a link. Google does not like it because for those who have a large pot it is easy to play the system.

The goal of creating links is that Google rewards those who bring value in exchange for a link. You want to write an article for guests on the site with people interested in your experience.

The site for which you decide to write a guest message should also have its own traffic. When traffic appears on the page, it redirects multiple links to your website

Anchor text

Anchor text is the text used by the link. The goal is to make the text as natural as possible in the article. You want to have many different types of anchor text because each has its place in the SEO field.

The only thing you don't want to do is have a bunch of text that says "Click here" pointing to your site. Instead, if you've written an article about raised garden beds and are trying to get a link to it, you might want an anchor text with a link to it to read "raised garden beds". it helps Google learn more about what happens when someone clicks on it.

Number of links

Finally, the total number of available links is also important, and over time you need to create high-quality backlinks on a large scale.

We've already discussed this topic, but it's worth repeating: it's not just the shared links you're looking for. After all, a site with high-quality links will have more advantages. However, it also depends on the pages you are getting links to. Links to your home page are good, but most natural links won't lead to your home page unless you explicitly specify your brand.

What you will often find are links to pages or posts on your site. If possible, you want to make sure that the relevant sources are linked to the relevant sites. You don't want your privacy policy to be the most linked site. There is nothing to buy on this site! Visitors cannot provide their information, sign up or purchase.

This is the first mistake.

The second is not to consider how and where these connections come from. One of the most popular features of Craz Egg Egg is a heatmap that helps people identify Site Elements that help convert and distract people from conversions. If you are trying to get links to this site, you want to get links from landing pages or sources related to conversion.

This may change for other feature pages such as entries. Here, a project-related link wouldn't make much sense. It is not so important in terms of context. However, if a page or post talks about usability or interface design, that would be decent.

It is important not only the source of the quality of the links you receive but also the place to which they link.

3 tips on how to improve your hookup profile
Now let me give you some specific steps you can take to improve your hookup profile and make sure you make the most of your efforts.

Do not use shortcuts: there are no shortcuts when creating shortcuts; you have to take time and build them accordingly. This includes talking to people, introducing yourself, and telling them how you can add value to your site. Look for broken link opportunities, find sites related to your niche, and post them via email or social media.
Removing dangerous links: Google has what is called an opt-out tool that allows you to remove links that could affect your ability to rank. You will have to use this tool with caution, as disavowing many links can harm your site. Removing links that are no longer relevant or may accidentally appear in your profile can help you delete the link profile.
Don't forget about internal links: internal links are also an important part of the puzzle; we don't have to worry only about external links. Of course, External links are important, but building a network of topics in a niche helps Google explore your site. Google pays close attention to search design and overall content completeness. If you can solve all the problems in one place with a bunch of articles covering a topic from front to back, Google will reward you.
Another SEO category outside the page to watch out for is personal factors. I'm talking about demographics and location. These factors automatically affect how someone responds to your content, but your SEO efforts also behave differently in different regions of the world.

While most of them are out of your control, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of reaching a specific audience. As for personal SEO factors, there is no "one size fits all"option.

Elements of personal SEO factors
Here are the main factors that affect personal SEO:


All researchers see results that are relevant to the country in which they are located. The opening hours of the recommended shops and restaurants are displayed according to the time zone.

Search engines interpret words differently. Someone looking for a" blanket " in the US will see blankets for his bed, and someone in the UK might see Lollipops because that's what the term means. One way to tell Google that you want to target certain countries is to include them as keywords, of course.

But first, think about whether it is worth becoming international. There are different levels of competition in different countries. Remember how the choice of keywords largely depends on the ranking of your competitors? Well, Google Canada will have different results from Google in Brazil. Each country can have a different level of difficulty. The multilingual site not only shares your information with multiple people in their native language but can also help you take a place more easily elsewhere.

Creating multilingual content is one of the easiest "quick wins" I've ever seen. However, removing it is not easy. Most plugins for translating pages, Many people promise to automatically translate content into almost any language, but the end result is not natural.

Personally, I prefer to pay a little more so that people with the native language help translate the content. Quality and accuracy are increasing, which means people stay longer and data on my site usage and rating is increasing.


The geographical direction goes even further, to the level of the city. This is why you usually see results all over the block when looking for a fast-food network. Using city names as keywords helps, but don't sketch yourself into a corner because you'll eventually look like a local authority.

However, if you are a local government and your business primarily operates in the area, you'll want to capitalize on it with great local SEO.

3 tips for improving personal factors
I have three simple tips to help you improve the personal factors that affect SEO:

Understand your customer avatar: only you can understand who your customer is and if you don't have the perfect customer identity, this is the first step in personal SEO. What does your client want? Why are they looking for you? What do they expect when they land on your site w If you answer these questions correctly, you will be able to give the client exactly what he expects. When you do, Google rewards you because people spend more time on your site and interact with elements of your site.
Multilingual content creation: having content in several languages is not as difficult as it might seem. When you do this, you are eliminating so many barriers, allowing people who do not know English to absorb all the value you offer.
Keyword search in other countries: almost all keyword search tools allow you to search in other countries. If you target people outside of your country, you need to choose the right keywords to connect with those people.
finally, let's look at social factors outside the SEO page. In addition to social cues directly from the researcher, there are other ways to get good results on social media that will help you improve your ranking.

Either directly through multiple links or indirectly through an emphasis on public relations, social issues.

Social elements for SEO
There are two main factors affecting:

Quality of actions

SEO marketing and social media marketing go hand in hand because the goal is to let Google know how big you are. If people share your content and expand your reach, what will Google say?

It tells them that people like what you have to offer and that you value people. This is good for Google.

Number of shares

A secondary social measure is the number of shares. Achieving viral success is the dream of any marketer, but it is overrated. There are many tips and hacks, but the truth is a little easier: create great content.

It means different things to different people. For example, in the marketing space, I found that long content is almost always higher than short. Now check out the celebrity sites for a moment. Nobody wants to talk about a lot of words. It's almost the opposite. Their audience wants something short with a lot of drama. They need more videos and photos with less text.

This is daily bread from sites like Buzzfeed and TMZ. They lure you in with these titles that make things a lot more exciting than they actually are. How many people do you think to share it without even reading the article?

Probably a lot.

To get the action in the SEO game, you just need to create amazing content that people love to read on the page where people read. That's why I once again said earlier how important it is to post comments on sites with real readers. If you are asked to post anywhere without readers, do you think the post will receive any publication?

3 tips to improve social media sharing
Here are three tips on how to get more social media shares:
Creating great content: creating quality content is a simple and easy way to share. Google spends hours and more money than you can imagine preventing people from playing the system. It's actually a simple concept. It is an exchange of values. Everything in business is the exchange of values, and the same goes for SEO marketing. Provide valuable content to Google and Google will reward you.
Be consistent: consistency is extremely important in SEO and social media. If you post every three months, social media algorithms not only hate you, they can't share content because it's been so long since your previous post went unpublished. Regular posting on social media also requires regular sharing of new content. Everything goes in circles.
Simplify it: there are many plugins to promote social sharing, so you need to use something on your site. If a reader can't find an easy way to share their post on social media, they'll probably go further.
Google EAT Recommendations
By evaluating your SEO techniques, you can analyze what Google is using to train content evaluators. You see, apart from the huge number of algorithms, Google uses quality evaluators to improve search engine performance for everyone.

Google explains in its recommendations to evaluators that a quality site should have a high level:

•    expertise
•    authority
•    trust
Or, as this set of recommendations is best known, eat.

A subjective view of what makes the content display element dependent on the topic, the context of who posts, the reputation of the site.

Although from the beginning you may not have control over all factors, remember that you are creating content that can help ensure that content is going in that direction.

4 tips to improve your EAT Score
Do your research: it may seem obvious, but the best way to truly demonstrate experience, Authority, and trust is to share accurate information. Do interviews with experts or guest messages when you can. Make sure the information you share is correct in the context of the topic and for the audience who will read it. Doing it differently is the fastest way to get a low score on these criteria.
Be careful: now that you're sure your information is accurate, you'll also want to make sure it's complete. Answering a question with a short or simplistic message may seem disrespectful. To be considered an expert, your content must leave the reader satisfied and equipped.
Talk about what you know: when developing content for your site, respect yourself as a brand. Avoid bright object syndrome and get lost in content that is not relevant to your site. Adhering to your own experience, you will be able to build your reputation in a place that you can turn to for information on the subject.
Meet the needs of the audience: On a similar note, you will be able to develop authority and authority in the reader's mind only if you are really talking about the topic that readers come to read. How about a topic they should know about? What problems can you solve? There is a difference between the possibility of talking about it in detail because you know it so well and the possibility of teaching it in an accessible and appropriate way. The latter will help readers see in you the authority and the person they can trust.
SEO Marketing: putting it all together
We've covered a lot of information in this guide and I understand if you're feeling a little depressed. We simplify things and quickly review the highlights so you can get relief and inspiration from your SEO journey to marketing.

Black Hat Against. White hat SEO
Black hat SEO uses clever tactics such as buying links, compiling keywords, and duplicating content. While these things work in the short term, they won't work in the long term. You may see an increase in traffic and revenue in a month or two until Google understands you and blacklists your site forever.

SEO In H It takes longer, but it has the right tactics that will pay you back the money for years to come.

Search and selection of keywords
Having the right keywords on your site is the main way Google can understand what a site is. Using tools like Ubersuggest can help you find the right keywords that fit your topic.

Make sure you don't make them work where there aren't any, and remember that creating quality content is critical.

Title tags, meta descriptions, alt text, and titles are important pieces of the SEO marketing puzzle. You'll use them to tell Google more about their content and what readers can expect when they arrive at your site.

Site architecture
The architecture of the site focuses on its design and functionality. If users cannot navigate the site easily, the loading is too slow, and some items are difficult to obtain, Google will also be more difficult to navigate the site.

People should trust your site and having features like SSL and HTTPS certificates is now the industry standard. Without them, you can't have a site w

In addition to background elements, you want your site to have trust signals that show people that you are a professional and don't want to cheat them.

Making calls is critical, but it is difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. The good news is that there are many people who do it wrong. This opens the door for referrals who are willing to make an extra effort to build links properly.

Do not receive spam on Fiverr, which promises 10,000 links. It's a hoax. You need to manually create each link on the sites in your niche that have their own traffic.

Make sure you understand your audience and what they expect from you. Every customer is waiting for it to land on your site and it's up to you to decide if it will satisfy that need or desire.

Social media and SEO marketing work well together, so don't overlook the social aspect as it can give a good boost to your SEO efforts. Getting a place on Google takes a long time, and getting a bunch of social shares can really help show Google that you are here for a long time and are willing to give it the best.

(Experience, Authority, Trust)
This is a gut test you can use to make sure your content interacts well with people based on the criteria Google uses for true evaluators.

Create content that shows the level of understanding of a topic and reflects the reputation of being the main source of information on the topic. Ask yourself if the content you post helps strengthen your reputation and allows readers to trust you on this topic.

SEO and Google algorithm updates
SEO can often seem inaccessible or impossible because of the term "algorithm"."An algorithm is a series of operations used by a search engine to calculate and ranked.

You may have heard that algorithms are constantly changing and to some extent that is true. Google does what they call "basic updates" several times a year to better serve those looking on Theeb You can see Google's algorithm update history on Moz's site.

However, while Google can make changes frequently, your main concern is still to create quality content, use the right keywords, and create authoritative feedback. You should not try to "play in the system" when it comes to Google algorithms, because one of the main reasons constant updates is weeding people who do it. In fact, you can damage your rankings by paying too much attention to the algorithm rather than the content.

Frequently asked questions about SEO marketing
How long does SEO take?
SEO is not the fastest way to success. It never happened and never will be. You should have a long-term SEO plan because ranking most keywords can take anywhere from six months to a year.
What is the most important factor in SEO marketing?
There is not a single factor that is the most important, because they are all important. If you had to choose something you should focus on, it would be providing people with quality information. You may have all the SEO elements, but if your content is small, it doesn't matter because people won't care.

How can I rank in Google faster?
The best way to take your place is to make a constant effort regularly. If you want to earn this, you need to regularly connect to your site, create new content and update previous content. Doing this day today will produce the desired results.

Can I rank a site with SEO?
Of course, there are times when people are lucky, but probably because they provide something that many people do not. Many people compete in the same space where the best SEO can win. Affiliate Marketing is a great example of this. There are a million sites and sites dedicated to sports products for affiliate marketing. Competition in this space requires a deep understanding of SEO marketing.

How much does SEO cost?
It depends on the SEO cost. You can hire a professional to handle it for you, or you can do everything yourself. It will take much longer to do it yourself, and you will need to take into account the learning curve. However, in most cases, you can do it almost for free if you do it yourself.

SEO marketing guide: conclusions
I hope you have learned a lot from this guide, as there is a lot of information here. Be sure to take care of it as you navigate your SEO marketing journey. The most important thing to remember about SEO is that there are no shortcuts in this game. You need to do everything right and make an extra effort because that's how you will stand out.

Expect to spend at least six months on this if you want to see results. Those who say SEO is a strategy to "fix it and forget it" is wrong. We recommend that you stay up to date on your content, update it regularly, and keep creating new content to update your site and show Google that you are still active.

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