How do you calculate conversion rate from sales?

Conversion rate
Percentage of actions performed by a user after the total number of clicks on an ad or other digital asset. Your marketing strategy defines your actions, which usually include clicking on a second link, downloading a resource such as B2B paper The formula is as follows: clicks/actions = conversion rate. The higher the conversion, the greater the effectiveness of the online marketing campaign.

No matter if you want to develop your business through digital marketing, tracking your marketing campaign conversions can help improve their marketing strategies, improve content marketing efficiency, or better define the behavior associated with the rejection of spending in your Facebook advertising campaign. With the right and analytics tools and conversion tracking tools like Google Analytics

What is the conversion rate?
In the marketing world, conversions refer to the moment a user responds to a call to action. It could mean:

Opening a sent email
Fill out the registration form on your website
- a place to register for the competition
Product purchase
Because every transformation brings a person closer to becoming a customer, you want your marketing efforts and public content to offer the greatest possible benefit.

The more conversions you have on your site, the higher the conversion rate. The conversion rate measures the number of users who have converted to a percentage of the total number of users who have visited your site. The higher the conversion rate, the more effective your content is.

How do you calculate the conversion rate from sales?
It is easy to determine the conversion rate. All you need to do is determine the number of people participating in certain content, such as an email or site page, and divide the number of conversions by that amount.

Imagine, for example, that you just sent an email campaign to announce the imminent release of a new product to 10,000 customers who have already purchased you. Of these 10,000 email recipients, 500 people clicked a button to register for the pre-order. Your eCommerce conversion rate in this email is 500 divided by 10,000-5%.

What is a good conversion rate?
Your conversion rate speaks, in a nutshell, about the effectiveness of public content. If 6% of your site visitors join your mailing list or make a purchase, your site is 6% effective.

But here's the thing: it's actually very good. Popular wisdom states that the "good" conversion rate for a W Conversion rates for individual industries vary slightly more.

Some industries, such as industrial equipment, have very inefficient Others, such as those selling electronics or services to businesses, usually have higher average conversion rates. So if you tend to see where you fall, do research and make sure you don't compare apples to cars.
Why conversion rate is important
To determine how effective your marketing efforts are, you need to know how many people respond to them. Because the conversion rate compares the number of customer responses to the total number of contacts, this is one of the most useful and accurate metrics.

Think. If there were 50 people on your mailing list last month, your first reflex will probably celebrate and come out in the afternoon.
You can rethink this answer if you find that these 50 are from over 50,000 people who have visited your site. That's only a 1% conversion rate, which really means you need to start customizing your content.

Conversion rate and ROI
A good conversion rate means a high return on investment.

Let's say you spend $ 2,000 a month on content that normally attracts 20,000 readers and 500 clicks. You now have a conversion rate of 2.5%. You also spent basically $ 4 on each of these conversions.

However, if you can get 800 clicks next month, the conversion rate will increase to 4%. And if your budget hasn't changed from $ 2,000, each conversion costs only $ 2.50, up from $ 4 the previous month. You are in a better place because you have earned more income without increasing expenses.

On the other hand, if your conversion rate decreases, your ROI will also decrease. Each conversion became more and more expensive. If this happens, it may indicate the need to change the marketing strategy.

How to improve the conversion rate
It is important to remember that we can all be better. And if you want to improve the conversion rate, you can try optimizing the conversion rate (CRO). Simply put, it means evaluating why your website.

A / B Testing
Most CRO projects include a process called A / B testing. also known as segment testing or division testing, compare 2 (or more) versions of a W Here's how to do it:

Decide what conversion behavior you want to test. Want to measure purchases? Subscribe to the mailing list? Advertising clicks via email? Be sure to focus on only one variable, otherwise, the results will be murky and difficult to understand.
Find out where you're losing visitors. Use all available analytics tools: Google Analytics Do your guests abandon the stroller? Or, above all, they can not get into their wagons?
Offer a list of possible changes that could solve the problem. Perhaps, for example, the "Add to Cart" button should be larger or better placed.
Determine how many changes you want to test at once and which ones you want to test first. You can start with the ones that are easier to implement or the ones that you think have the greatest impact.
Get an A / B testing tool that makes the changes you want and sends any random guest to a particular version. The original site will check and the new one will be a variation.
Determine the duration of the experiment. This will depend entirely on how long it normally takes to convert. If it usually takes a week to get more conversions, let the test run for a month. You want to make sure your results are statistically significant.
Analyze your results. If your option worked, implement it. If not, change your approach. If you are not sure, repeat the test. Ambiguous results may indicate that the A / b test did not have enough time to generate meaningful data.
You can repeat this process as many times as necessary to achieve the desired conversion rate. Every EB site you can test has dozens of elements, from titles and subtitles to social media links and call-to-action buttons. Also in these categories, you can control different variables: font size, font color, button position, background color, and more.

Large-scale or small-scale testing
The changes you're testing can be as significant as a complete redesign of the page or as minor as another Call-to-action button character. This is your choice, but keep in mind that when testing multiple changes at once, it is more difficult to determine which ones actually affect.

Let's say your site w Are you testing a complete redesign of the site or making small changes?
General review:

You are investing time and money in developing a completely new landing page with all the latest features. Everything is brand new graphics, text, font, structure. You plan to live, and in a month recalculate up to 3%.

Benefits: you got a 200% conversion increase with a series of tests.

Cons: you may have achieved the same results with a few simple changes. You have to decide: Do you take more tests to clarify things? If so, do you do it with your new site w

Minor changes:

You're trying a few small tweaks before investing in a redesign. First, in the sidebar, you place the option "join our mailing list". Take an A / B test on it and you will find that it increases the conversion rate by up to 2%.

It's a good start. Designers then change the encoding so that the mailing list call to action stays on the page as they scroll. This increases the conversion rate by up to 2.5%.

You are approaching this 3% and with much less. Making another small change, such as replacing infographic photos, can increase the conversion rate.

Advantages: making a few small changes is much cheaper than creating a new website.

Cons: multiple groups of tests can take a long time, depending on how long you run each option to see the results.

Additional conversion tips
If you're not sure which items to test, trying to increase the conversion rate might look like you're throwing items into the wall and watching what holds up. Here are some ideas based on well-known patterns of consumer behavior.

Use more dynamic language in calls to action. Active verbs such as" buy" or "participate" encourage visitors to do something. You can also try to formulate calls to action from the visitor's point of view - " yes, register me!"This can encourage them and make them feel connected with your site.

Treat pain points and emphasize decisions. Explain how testing a product or service will benefit the visitor. (Better yet, show them why they can't afford to try it.)

Add customer reviews and critic reviews. Research shows that the vast majority of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. And for good reason: it makes your product or service less risky for visitors. Add them to your email registration page or even your homepage.

Make sure that the card has a link for registration by e-mail or "buy now". Put it in view of the users. This will allow users to act quickly instead of waiting for a blog post or landing page to complete.

Don't force visitors to fill in too many form fields. If your goal is to get registration by email, just ask them for emails and maybe their names if you want to personalize your email. Multiple form fields can tire users and even cause their obsession.

Get rid of interference. That doesn't mean you're removing everything except the Buy Now button. Design always counts. But it eliminates the additional calls to action, External links, and menu items that don't lead to conversion.

Create custom landing pages for paid advertising. People who click on these links will look for something specific. You want to make sure they find him.

Add some incentives. Several works for different recipients, so you may need to try a few: additional Dow Send different offers to different groups of potential customers and see what works.

Start increasing the conversion rate
You only have one chance to make a good first impression. And when that first impression can make the difference between winning and losing a customer, you want to do everything you can to make it as strong as possible.

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