How To Add Links To A WordPress Blog
Creating links allows you to share useful information from other sites with readers. This allows you to connect to the global internet community, which is why the internet is sometimes called the "internet".
The process of creating a link on a blog depends on where you want to display the link. I'll show you how to add a link to your blog post, as well as the sidebar menu.
How to add a link to a blog entry
Adding a link to a blog entry is actually quite simple. The process that I'm going to explain also works to add a link to the site.
To get started, log in to your WordPress desktop and create a new post or click to edit an existing post. When you do this, you should be on the publication editor screen.
If you don't already have text in your message, you'll need to type what you want the link text to be. This is called the anchor text link. For example, "click here" is a popular anchor text. Once you have the right text for reference, you need to highlight the text with the mouse to highlight it. In the following example, I highlighted the text "create a hosting account".
Now you need to click the paper clip icon (circled in red) just above the text box of the blog post.
Then you will see a pop-up window. In the " URL " text box, type the address of the page you want to connect to. Important: the address must start with http: / / or HTTPS: / /
After you have entered the address of the page you want to link to, click Add link. Then you need to click the blue refresh button to update your post. the link will now be visible on your blog for everyone to see!
Adding shortcuts to the menu
Now let's see how to paste a link in the blog sidebar menu. The sidebar is an area where you can view items such as links to recent posts, recent comments, or categories. It is also a popular place for bloggers where you can post something known as a "blogroll", which is simply a list of links to other featured blogs. Here's how to add shortcuts to the side menu:
Go to "plugins = = > add new" and type "link manager" in the search box. Click "search plugins".
First you should see the link Manager plugin in the search results. Click "Install now" and then "enable the plugin" on the next page.
This plugin has created a new menu item on the left side of the WordPress toolbar called "link". Go to "links = = > add new" to add a link.
Now you can enter the link text (anchor text) in the name and address field of the page you are referring to in the internet address field. When finished, click the blue "Add link" button on the right.
side bar-Link-4
Once you have created the link, you should choose where you will go on your blog. To do this, go to the menu on the left side of the toolbar and select "Appearance = = > Widgets".
You are now on the widgets page. Widgets are just useful tools that you can add to your WordPress blog menu. On the left side of the widgets page, you'll see the available widgets. On the right side of the page you will see menu areas (menu areas may differ from the example depending on the theme used in the blog). To add a widget, simply drag it from the available widgets to the menu where it should appear. We want to add a link widget and then drag it to the appropriate menu.
After placing the shortcut widget anywhere, you can select the options you want, and then click save.
Your link is now online on the blog's sidebar!