How Much Money Can You Make from Facebook Ads

How to make money with Facebook ads 

Creating the right message is an important first step in commercializing Facebook ads, but it doesn't end there..

Our Opinion

What once looked wild, wild west advertising is now the most common way to reach a target audience. These days, driving sales with Facebook ads is one of the fastest ways to make money.. No matter what kind of product, service, or information you're selling, the quickest way to go from zero to hero is to analyze the right ads, drive traffic into the right funnels, and focus on the right opportunities.

If you have experience with Facebook advertising, you know that conquering this industry and churning out profits requires a Jedi-like mindset.. Advertising does not have to be on point,so to speak,in the overall sales funnel as well. However, after you have built the conversion offer, you can optimize these results and then start expanding your business.

What are you going to do? Who do you think this information comes from? If Facebook has been hanging around for a while, you've probably come across an expert dueling coach who will sell you courses and teach you how to make money online using Facebook ads... The funny thing is that most of them did not make much money for themselves.

We think there are some at the top. Some experts can understand how to write a sizzling copy for sale,.While you understand the mechanics of converting different trades, you still get the intricacies of targeting others in detail. Few people can do everything. That's why I turned into a market leader for cheap and thin ads on Facebook..

Nicholas Kusmich started the Facebook advertising platform from scratch.. When it is beta. He ascribes much of his success to being in the right place at the right time. But for someone who spends up to $ 9 million a month on advertising and earns millions a year from hard work, you'll never guess.

Kusumich is as modest as possible. That may be because his roots as a pastor make only$30,000 a year. Today, this previously ordained minister is running Facebook ads for some of the world's leading online personal development coaches and marketers.. He has worked in the Partner division of Tony Robbins Group with Joe Polish,Dr. Josh Ax,Dean Grazios, Dr. Partha Nandi, Social media researcher and numerous others.

No good car, no big house. No, none of that. Kusmich understands his roots and knows where he came from. But what he lacks in lightning makes up for strategy and execution. Working with only seven clients he lives in his black brand business, and managing obscene amounts using advertising per month, moving from 1,000 percent to 30,000 percent return on investment, I wanted to know how he does it.

My question? What makes the perfect campaign? And how you can use Facebook ads to make money online.. Answer? Predictably complex. Simple structure, built on solid foundation. Strategy? You'd think it was a business deal. In fact, no. What comes before the actual trail or sales funnel is just as important as what happens when you fall into the funnel.

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How to format messages.

Everyone wants to make money with their Facebook ads.. It's obvious. Most people fail before they start. They fail because they don't write the right message. That means they connect with their audience. According to Kusumichi, there is a simple formula. If you follow the formula,you are one step ahead. Expensive Facebook advertising courses are not required.. All you have to do is follow a pattern that finds feeling.

Feeling: The goal is connection. You need empathy to connect. Tell the guards that they understand how they feel. This should address the pain points and sources of problems they experience when you solve everything you sell.

Felt: The next part of the empathy bridge in creating your message is to let you know that you felt the same way. You know how they feel. It serves as a catalyst for the product or service you have created to solve the problem.

Search: Here you will tell future prospects about the solutions you have found. Or the origin of the solution. What worked for you or what you executed and worked for others.

When I look at this macro, it actually says: "I know how you feel... I felt the same way... Until I do..."That's it. Remember, you're building empathetic bridges.

According to Kusumichi, good marketing communication is not an ideal opportunity to understand you. It's an ideal opportunity to understand you. That's where the connection comes from. Remember that people rarely buy by logic. They live on sensibility. If you are good at creating emotional links in your message,you are more likely to sell, sell, and sell.

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How to enter the market.

Making money from Facebook ads doesn't end up making the right message.. If your post doesn't reach the right audience, you'll waste time. How do you reach the right target group or market for the right people? To explain it, you need to understand the principle of Pareto. The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 Rule, says that 80% of the results come from 20% efforts.

This principle applies everywhere. 80% of sales come from 20% of customers. 80% of income comes from 20% of jobs. So. However, the 80/20 rule also applies to the original result. Since 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of your efforts,within 20 percent is still 80/20. This means that 4% of the effort produces 96% of the result.

Why is this so important? That means you must find 4% of your own on sales and marketing. Who are 4% of customers who can generate 96% of potential sales? By reducing it, you get to the right target group. Kusumich recommends following a three-part formula, which he calls the "Follow often" formula.

Follow: Ask the following questions. Who follows your prospects? Maybe it's a market leader or an expert. You need to dig deep and know who this is.

Often: The next question is often what possibilities to ask yourself. Where do they go every day? What publications do they read? What Facebook pages do they spend time on??

Mutual Funds: The last part of the formula determines where future prospects spend money. Where a person spends money is often where his heart and passion are. For example, if they spend money on whole foods, they are more likely to recognize their health and have more disposable income.

Making magnets.

What does Lead magnet look like? Making money from all kinds of paid advertising must produce something valuable. What do you want? Is it a cheat sheet? Maybe an Ebook? Maybe a real book? How about checklists? Think that you can provide something that can be consumed fairly quickly. Let's talk for 10, 15 minutes.

Kusumichi explains: There are actually two golden rules in business. The first one you need to offer before you ask.  Until you do. Before you ask. The second rule is that every step of the marketing process must be valuable in its own right. Each step of the way. Not one or two steps. Each step of the funnel should provide real value.

This is the question you need to ask. What can I offer a market that adds real value to their lives? While it may seem like a generic statement, there is really a four-step way to figure out what kind of lead magnet you should have offered. This should follow the acronym. That's how he finds out.

Short meaning of" of": it must be worn quickly. We will talk in 10 minutes. Maybe faster.

""Stands for action: you need to recognize the difference between knowledge and insight. Insightful content tells prospects what to do with the information provided to them to achieve very accurate results.

"Ji" means ambitious: the content must be ambitious. Everyone is looking for a solution. One that brings them closer to their goal. And it helps them to go from once to once and from once to once and from once to once. If you offer them a solution, they will associate your progress with you. It means they come back and spend money with you.

"E" means simple: Everyone wants a simple solution. It should be easy. How do I know if it's easy? Ask the following questions. If you give this information to an 8-year-old, can it be used in business?

Create a sales mechanism.

The next step in commercializing advertising is to create a sales mechanism. Yes, we are talking about sales channels. What does that mean? Just this. It's the process of looking for opportunities and bringing them into the ecosystem and ultimately into the customer. Here are some things to consider::

"S" stands for short: it must be quickly consumable. I'll talk to you in ten minutes. Maybe even faster.

"A" stands for action: you must recognize the difference between knowledge and insight. Insightful content tells the prospect what to do with the information provided to them in order to achieve a highly accurate result.

"G" means ambitious: the content must be ambitious. Everyone is looking for a solution. The kind that brings them closer to their goals. Which helps them go from A to B and from B to C and so on. If you offer them a solution, they will associate your progress with you. That means they come back and spend money with you.

"E" means simple: Everyone wants a simple solution. It should be easy. How do you know if it's easy? Ask yourself the following questions. If I give this information to an 8-year-old, can they use it for their business?

Create a sales mechanism.

The next step to monetize advertising is to create a sales mechanism. Yes, we are talking about sales funnels. What does that mean? Just this. It is a process of finding opportunities and bringing them into the ecosystem to eventually become customers. Here are some things to note::

50% of all people who ask for something buy it within 18 months. Maybe not necessarily yours. But who sells it in the market.

15% of those 50% buy during the first 90 days

What can you bet so that the people who buy you not only know you, but also like you or love you enough to buy directly from you?

When your goal is to have the opportunity to be ready in terms of buying a good product or service or information, that relationship you have developed will turn into a commercial one.

How to build a perfect Facebook ad..

If you've tried to market something online, you've probably tried to build Facebook ads.. But, what makes the perfect ad? This is obviously not just for Facebook.. Applies to all paid marketing platforms. For this, Kusumich uses what is called an invisible sales formula. Based on click, capture achievement and progress conversion.

What is the best way to design or create a perfect ad that will not only appeal to your audience but also stop scrolling, clicking on the ad and ultimately capturing that lead and converting it into a paying customer? This is how the look hook works.

It means images that help stop someone. It should attract their attention. We're all used to scrolling through social media platforms. We quickly scroll through our news service, waiting for something to pop up and grab our attention. Kusumich told me to interfere with the role. Do it by making your image distinctive. Do not use photos like other photos. Change. If necessary, move to grayscale or use other images that interfere with scrolling.

You need a hook opportunity. Contact. Most people want contact with someone or something. If you can't connect them or make a connection, you probably won't be able to convert that ability in your browser to your buyer. Try to build a relationship with your ad. Use the tactile detection method described earlier. If you do, you will be one step ahead of your competitors.

Taking: Means an action that you want the opportunity to take. What do you want them to do? That clearly. There must be a clear call to action. Something like"Click here to register" or" Click here to get a free downloadable document".

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