12 best ways to make money on Facebook ads
You are on Facebook. Your business profile is completely filled and the site looks great…
You maintain a balance between self-promotion and sharing great content related to your brand.
You have an audience. A decent size. You want to talk to the audience yourself.
Everything seems to be going well.
As successful as the Facebook page has been, is it as successful as it can be?
Do you use ads to get your brand there and attract more audience?
Are you making money with Facebook ads?
Whether your answer is yes, no, or uncertain, this article is for you.
How to make money on Facebook ads
There's always room for improvement, so let's take a look at the top 12 ways to make money with Facebook ads.

Yes, there are actually 12 advertising methods!

They fall into these categories:
Transport and conversion
Sales and leads
Likes and engagement
Events and offers
App ads
Local awareness
Dark Poles

1. Domain ad
Type of advertising: transportation and conversion
A domain ad is a relatively easy way to monetize Facebook ads and get your name there.

These ads are computer-supported ads because they are in the right column of your Facebook page.
These ads come with the displayed title, short description, and URL.
Simple, cheap, and cheerful.
2. Page Message Link
Type of advertising: transportation and conversion
AKA newsfeed ads. These are the ads that appear on your newsfeed and are a popular choice.
Unlike the domain ad, the image in this ad is bigger and you get a little more shooting space so you can catch someone's attention.
You can also use a video instead of an image if you want, too.
Not only do you make money on Facebook ads this way, they do wonders to increase audience engagement and get likes on the page.

For best results, check the comments from your users and reply to them to increase your engagement.

3. Ad type: likes and engagement
Speaking of likes, do you need more? If so, this is the ad type for you.

As you get more likes, more people know about your brand, See Your Content on your News Feed as you post, and are ultimately more likely to be aware of all the offers you have going on.

Plus, a page like an ad is supported on all devices-mobile included.

So this is definitely a way to make money with Facebook ads.

This ad style comes with an immediate action button-which means there's a similar button for the ad.
Make sure you use a great photo!
4. Page Post Photo & Page Post Video
Ad type: likes and engagement
Photos and videos are a very good way to engage with your fans – especially videos.

If you have a great picture that you want to show, do it. You can also add a text description and a link.

Also, if you have a good video, send it. Videos can help you refocus as well.

How often do they watch your video?

Facebook has 8 billion video views per day.

Take it! This is a great way to make money with Facebook ads!

Yes, you can, too, small business brand!

5. Local Awareness
Type of ad: local awareness
Another hot way to make money is with Facebook ads, is a local awareness ad that speaks for itself as to why it's good.

When targeting your audience, you can specify where you want to target the geographic tool.

Your ad will show to people who are geographically close to your business!

There is even an optional call to action that can be included in a local awareness ad.

No more hope that your ad will appear on the news service of someone who lives nearby! Come to real close to you.

6. Events & Offers
Type of ad: local awareness

Along with a local awareness ad, you can post ads about events and promotions happening for your brand.
An event ad is a great way to let your audience know that there is something going on in your place that they need to monitor.

A promotional ad is exactly what it sounds like-an ad that advertises a sale or transaction that you have on your physical location.

Along with a local awareness ad, you can post ads about events and promotions happening for your brand.

An event ad is a great way to let your audience know that there is something going on in your place that they need to monitor.

A promotional ad is exactly what it sounds like-an ad that advertises a sale or transaction that you have on your physical location.

When a user clicks on an ad and collects, they receive a confirmation email with all the necessary information about your offer.

You can make money with these Facebook ads!

7. Multi-product Carousel
Type of ad: sales and leads

The carousel ad for many products is very similar to the ad in the mail link on the page.

What sets the two apart is that the carousel advertisement for many products shows multiple products instead of one image.

If you have a lot of hot items, this is a great ad type to use.

It also adds depth to your shopping experience. It's like surfing the shelf of a real store to see if the stuff you're looking for is there.

 8. Dynamic Product Ads
Type of ad: sales and leads
Take ad regulation to the next level with Dynamic Product Ads.

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads work by targeting users based on their past interactions with your website or app ad.

Its official-nowhere is safe from advertising. They're following you.

Take advantage of this.
On Facebook Facebook, you need to make sure that your product list is uploaded to Facebook and that your Facebook pixel is working properly on your website. Facebook does the rest!
It is a necessary evil.
9. Lead ads
Type of ad: sales and leads
Lead ads are great.
Has Facebook ever rolled together into a newsfeed, seen something you'd sign up for, only to find it takes you away from the Facebook app?

This leads to sighs, because scrolling can now be a mess, and now you have to start over.

There is a solution.

Facebook instead of leaving Facebook to sign up for one of your brands, they stay on Facebook.

Brilliant! No more frustration from interrupted Facebook surfing!


... There may be problems with ads like this.

First of all, you need to export the managers manually (unless you have another program that connects to the API).

Secondly, depending on the industry, such advertising can not be turned and put together in one funnel.

Seriously! See AdEspresso's article on this topic.

Is it for the best? Test!

10. fabric for mobile
Type of ad: sales and leads
While we're on the topic of staying on Facebook and interacting with the product, let's talk about canvas advertising.

Remember the carousel? The fabric is a fleshy version of the carousel.

Canvas advertising is a great way to engage customers through their mobile app.
The drug ad allows customers to swipe through pictures of the carousel.

They can also tilt the image of the product in different directions and zoom in and out.

The nice mobile shopping experience, H Ume? You never leave Facebook.

This is the future of shopping.

 11. App Ads
Ad type: install
Does your brand come with an app? If so, an ad in the Facebook app might be just what you need to get more installs.

Facebook is really working to deliver every corner of the brand.

Displaying a news feed image, description, and call to action, is a great tool to install on your mobile app or desktop app.

Serious. Facebook promotes the installation of the app!

12. Sponsored Ads
Type of ad: dark message
Have you ever noticed when you browse your newsfeed, you see a message that says "Sponsored"?
These are dark poles.
They are not bad, but cunning.

Dark messages are ads that don't appear on your company's timeline but are available to anyone with a direct link.

So these ads look like unpublished posts.

Dark posts are good because they don't take up space on your timeline, but they also promote certain fans of your page.

And for dark messages, you can also use keywords!

Final Thoughts
Whoa! This is quite a list!

In reality, all types of Facebook ads can make money.

Ads are the driving force behind your brand-they tell users that you exist and you can get what they need.

If you have what they need, the money will come. You just need to make sure you appeal to the right audience.

Finally, it's all about the audience and Star content.

Your content should look good, it should be relevant, and you have a target audience.

It can be challenging but try these ad styles.

Need Help?
If you need help, it's important to choose the right Facebook ad service to help you with your brand.

At Siragsoft Media, we put your brand at the heart of everything and pay particular attention to the details your brand needs to succeed.

That's why we have a 10-Step Process for successful Facebook Ad campaigns.

You ready? Let's arrange a moment when we can discuss the possibilities of Sprague media.

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