How Can Teachers Make Money Online Creating courses ?

  How can teachers make money online?

It is a sad fact: teachers in the United States simply do not earn enough money. With low starting salaries that have lost purchasing power over the years (according to statistics from the National Center for Education), many have to find a life that works with the teacher's schedule. Is it any wonder that teachers ask: "how can teachers make money online?” 

Despite the countless hours outside the classroom, it can be difficult to evaluate the work, make lesson plans and brainstorm, earning a teacher's salary every month. 

The good news is that you can use many of the skills that you already have to create your own "nuisance on the teacher's side" and earn extra income to supplement the teacher's work. Here's how to do it: 

What makes teachers well suited for the knowledge trade? 

In the knowledge economy, teachers are already one step ahead of the audience. Whether you decide to teach others with a podcast, a newsletter, or just create a course, you already have many of the skills you need to teach students. 

This is because teachers create amazing knowledge. Just think about the topics available to you! For example, you can:

Creating foreign language courses for different age groups

Teach students to write the best fonts

Help for students preparing for exam exams

Develop a course to create an attractive lesson plan

Manage classrooms

Help high school students describe a career path

Learn another subject outside of school where you have experience

The best part is that when you create a course, you finish the most time-consuming part. After that, it's all about marketing. 

And besides answering questions from time to time, the real part of the lesson is completed, as a result of which the additional income of the teacher is almost completely passive. No extra work on your part. 

Can teachers be successful entrepreneurs? 

Teachers not only create profitable businesses, but are also extremely successful. They help change the lives of their students and, in some cases, receive sufficient income from their side achievement to make it the main one.” 

Imagine how you think you can turn your idea into a digital business, find out how teachers can make money online, to get into real life!

Here are four examples of teachers who have used their experience and knowledge, making them more than just external sounds.

Ana Digilio

Ana Digilio of Simply Skilled Teaching is a former second grade teacher who offers fun, interactive, and engaging lesson plans for kindergarten through third grade, from reading, math, grammar, and more. 

She has been teaching in the suburbs of New York City for 23 years and loved every minute, but most of all she loved planning and creating exciting lessons for her students, cultivating her love of reading, writing, and mathematics.

Today, she shares her experience in small groups and math workshops that take away the stress of teaching these complex but important skills for young students. It also offers various distance learning packages, bulletin boards, and other resources to encourage teacher creativity — even when students can't be in class. 

Keli Calderon

Keli Calderon of Smart Money Academy has more than two decades of experience as a bilingual primary school teacher. Knowledge trading is her second career, which begins after she leaves school. She has combined her educational skills with personal financial knowledge and now offers online courses for children, parents and teenagers.

She says: "the children and young people who attend my courses, with the knowledge of wealth creation, assume that they will take care of themselves and their loved ones in the future.  I will not only give you the steps you need to manage and grow your money, but also the thinking to believe you can do it.”

Janine Blackwell

The course for creating courses is that Jeanine Blackwell has the same thing through her web, Janine teaches coaches, writers, and consultants (teachers) how to become the perfect customers, create and complete the course and fill it hungrily, eager for the study of students. 

By helping teachers, writers, coaches, and other experts create courses, Janine also helps you eliminate distractions and focus on things that actually make you money. 

As part of his activities, he offers virtual boot camps, a newsletter, and courses at his own pace.

Sarah Settanni

Sarah Settanni runs her business, Kajabi. As a minimalist educator, she has helped more than 50,000 people with the design of the houses. 

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Sarah discovered minimalism while watching the TED show. She realized that this approach led not only to reciting her home. It's also a valuable way to simplify food, beliefs, relationships, finances, CO2 footprint, and more. 

She created the first plant-based minimalist cookbook online and shows that no matter what niche you choose, you can branch out into various additional areas. 

There are plenty of people online who teach you how to design your home, but Sarah has embraced and multiplied this approach by showing how a minimalist approach — not just to touch, but to everything in life — can help relieve stress, improve relationships with others, and even make the world a better place.

Who would have thought that a simple course could do everything?

Many Kajabi heroes shared that they managed to sell their website and the first product in just a few weeks. This means that if you work on your business and content during the summer months, you can start working without wasting time during the school year.

The types of businesses you can build as a knowledge entrepreneur

As a knowledge entrepreneur, opportunities are open to you when it comes to the companies you create. Here are just a few ways teachers and others make money online: 

Training courses

Courses are the easiest and fastest way to share knowledge, but it's not the only way. Many teachers start with courses, but eventually move to other areas and offer their courses at the same time as one of the other business ideas below. 


Consulting is a great way to earn extra money on the side, and if you help people get results with your tips, you can very well turn your consulting work from "problems on the teacher's side" into a full-time job! 

Counseling is also a step beyond the usual courses, as it allows people to provide specific individual advice or strategies that meet their unique needs. 


Coaching is like counseling because you give tips and strategies, but instead of telling people what steps to take as a counselor, encourage them to do it themselves with your advice and support.

Coaching can be conducted in individual or group mode, or in any case, depending on what you want to share and how you structure your offer. It is also a great added value for courses.

Member page

A membership site may offer some or all of the above, but users pay monthly to access information and exercises that no one has. 

The information you provide on your Member page should be at the highest level. This may not be information that can be easily found with a simple Google search, otherwise, potential participants will not see any sense in paying for it. 

With a membership site, people come to you for instructions as well as tips, the latest information on a chosen topic or specific advice, rather than just giving someone with your background and references enough to trust. 

Media company

As a media company, your job will be to create useful, consumer-friendly content, including podcasts, blogs, newsletters, and more. You then earn money by sponsoring with like-minded advertisers who pay you for ad space in their publications. 

These are just some of the options available to you as a knowledge trader. And the good news is: as a teacher, you already have the skills to run any of these types of businesses-and with a cajabi near you, you have the technology you need to make your ideas a reality

How to create and start a course with Kajabi

The examples of successful teachers that we have listed above are just scratching the surface when it comes to teachers ' ability to make money online. Countless teachers have discovered how easy it is to transform their love for the subject, the level of judgment, and even the art and science of teaching into a second income. 

More than just a nuisance on the teacher's Side, Your Knowledge Store gives you an opportunity to really make an impact. Only with skills that you have developed for years of rigorous training and work, and use to learn a new online marketplace, can you create a business that helps people around the world.

A reward? Willing, committed students who want to learn are a teacher's dream! 

Kajabi helps simplify this process by eliminating the need to learn and master all the moving parts needed to do business. 

First, they make it easier to create digital courses that your students like. But they do not end there. They also provide the business building tools you need to start and develop a profitable knowledge business. 

Kajabi's comprehensive web platform includes landing page guides, email marketing software, a podcast hosting platform and much more.  

In addition, the use of Kajabi as a course platform opens up many opportunities that can be used to further develop and promote the new "teaching place Hustle"."As an online tutor, you can create courses that cover advanced concepts that are rarely taught in class. This allows students to learn more complex concepts and ideas that go beyond the simple content of the course.

Do you want to expand your business with new student groups or course subjects? No problem. Kajabi pipelines allow you to sell your products to specific groups - such as beginners, intermediate and advanced-or segment them by level or topic.  

You have full control over the progress of your course

As a knowledge entrepreneur, you have full control over how you develop your lessons. There is no drastic extinction of lesson plans due to changes in the schedule or new guidelines. You have complete freedom to learn your way. 

And after you've created a course - with video, audio, slideshow, or any combination of learning materials — Kajabi makes marketing so easy! 

We have integrated all the best marketing tools into one seamless platform, you can rely on knowledge sharing, and our experts work behind the scenes to provide you with the software you need to attract paying students who want to learn more. 

Use Kajabi to create a mailing list for new students so they can welcome them to the group. Make a list for former students. This way you can update them regularly in your business and training. 

You can also use Kajabi to create a podcast. Today, knowledge entrepreneurs use podcasts to share their thoughts, inspire interested listeners with comprehensive tips, tricks, and strategies, and position themselves as a recognized authority in a chosen topic or niche. 

Getting started is easy. You can read our guide on how to start a successful podcast here.

You can also distill your knowledge into a paid newsletter, where users sign up for monthly lesson plans, bulletin boards, course materials, and more.

Expand off course 

The course itself can be a good teacher, but you don't have to stop there. It is profitable to dream! 

Imagine a set of complementary products based on your course, such as templates, tricks, material packages, checklists, and other types of gadgets. If your students struggle with a certain skill, all you need to do is create a system or solution that will help them find success.

For example, teachers always have little time, and the to-do list seems to stretch forever. Therefore, if you learn the art of teaching - skills such as class management, developing a lesson plan, etc., then everything you can provide to optimize your work or save time is very popular.  

Many teachers already sell these extra items to teachers, who pay the teachers, but charge 20-45% of the selling price. Kajabi does not charge any fees, so you can get a higher profit from Kajabi depending on your income.

As you can see, when it comes to teachers making money online, the possibilities are endless. Do not limit yourself to reading, writing and arithmetic. There is already a hungry audience of people who want to learn their specific skills, who are exploring their niche or topic for the first time, or are looking for an expert to help them learn more. 

In this case, the question is not simple: "how can teachers make money online?"It's more about how they decide to do it and whether they want to stay on the sidelines or stop replacing a full-time job. 

Why Kajabi works well for teachers

Of course, no one will argue that learning is not a work of love, mixed with a large share of passion. You really love what you do. That's why Cakabi works so well for teachers who want to make money online.

We deal with technology. All you have to do is share your knowledge with the world so that everyone, everywhere, can take full advantage of your instructions.

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