The ultimate guide to creating a sales funnel - how to build a sales funnel from scratch


No matter what you sell, it does not happen in an instant to attract potential customers to buy.

Instead, the sales process is gradually developing( sales funnel): the cold prospects of the idea of spending hard-earned money on your products and founding them for future purchases.


Unfortunately, in today's climate there is little confidence and fierce competition ... this is not an easy task.

If you've ever sold a product or service, you already know how frustrating and painful it can be to create a truly valuable offer, only to make it disappear in the wasteland of failure.

This pain only intensifies when you spend money on marketing and advertising with or without a small return on investment (ROI).

The antidote to that pain - and the secret to unlocking success-is to create a sales funnel built around five levels. In other words, with a proven pattern, which is not only easier and faster ... but it will be like wildfire.

Fair warning: this article is long. Of course, this applies only to such a powerful topic as sales funnels.

To help you, we've put everything together in one template and a 10-point checklist that you can download here-think of it as a quick cheat sheet for the sales funnel …

Sales funnel template and 10-point checklist

Download Sales funnel template and 10-point checklist

What is a sales funnel?

To the question " what is a sales funnel?"it's not easy (that's why we wrote an entire article on this topic). Propose a simplified definition …

 sales funnel is a marketing strategy that aims to turn cold prospects into long-term customers by channeling them into five phases. The metaphor" funnel " implies that you will start with a large group of potential buyers, which will eventually narrow down to a small group of highly competitive customers with high value.

The ultimate goal is not to make a sale, not least a sale. Instead, the goal is to create repeat customers with lifelong value.


By breaking down a buyer's journey into smaller steps (i.e. steps), you can more accurately determine how and when to make deals.

For a small entrepreneur, you can start with one or two products. For a large B2B company, you can have a lot of deals, stock up on lead generation, and grow new leads through a sales cycle, sales pipeline, or sales team.

Suddenly it gets complicated. Take care of simplicity …

Remember to order at McDonald's.when ordering a burger, you will be asked if you want to add cheese. Order chicken nuggets and you will be asked if you want french fries with it. Order a combined meal and you have a chance to make it big or "super big"."It's a sales funnel

Then think of the new McDonald's mobile app and its loyalty program tailored to specific products like McCafe Rewards:

McDonald's free Mccafe reward

Each offer is, in fact, a set of offers aimed at increasing the volume of purchases and promoting subsequent  purchases.


In the largest picture, the sales funnel is usually divided into three parts:

The top sales funnel (tofu): the target audience

Sales Funnel Center (MoFu): Potential Customers

The lower part of the sales funnel (BoFu): new and existing customers



illustration of a sales funnel

At a certain level, this funnel occurs even if you don't have any planned sales funnel phases in place. By applying a pattern-based approach, especially when building an online business, you will significantly increase the number of customers that you ultimately build.

The key to an effective sales funnel is that you engage with potential customers at every stage of the sales funnel and provide growing value.

No matter how simple or difficult it is, the fact is that sales trains work if they are built according to certain universal rules. example:

87% of consumers choose to work with vendors who provide valuable content at all stages of the buying process

63% of consumers should listen to the company's offer(s) 3-5 times before trusting these claims

Estimated leads to 47% more purchases to make than prospects do not appreciate

In addition to the upper, middle and lower parts, sales funnels have traditionally been organized around the four phases of the sales funnel, known by the abbreviation …

Aida-sales funnel: Awareness Interest. Desire. Measure

The Aida model was developed in the late 19th century by the pioneer of advertising and sales, Elias St.Elmo Lewis. Since then, it has become the basis for almost all successful advertising and marketing campaigns.

Why is it so successful?

Aida takes potential customers on an emotional journey after the purchase-guided by the purchase decision from the initial attractiveness to the action.


1. Awareness

Sometimes referred to as" attention", it is the first step in the sales funnel where a brand attracts the attention of a new audience through marketing content and/or a valuable basic offering.

2. Interest

This is where the brand will begin to build deeper relationships with its prospects and become increasingly involved in researching its goals and / or problems. This way you can start with preliminary decisions, allowing you to experience "quick victories" — and become more committed.

3. Desire

Consumers who have reached this third stage of the sales path have found that they actually have a big problem that needs to be solved. In addition, they come up with the idea of making a purchase to solve the specified problem. Right now, the brand is showing how its premium offering can be beneficial.

4. Measure

The final stage of the sales funnel has prospects that determine the purchase of a premium product or service of a brand (or not). You need to increase the value of your offer, as well as the disadvantages of not making the purchase.

These steps in the sales funnel describe the general process that we all go through, as well as some general steps in the actions that need to be taken so that your prospects continue to move in the funnel.

Depending on what you are selling and who your target audience is, you should adjust each step of your sales track accordingly.

(Yes, you can have more than one funnel at any given time. This will become clearer in a minute.)

AIDA is a good starting point, but there is a better way …

The steps in the sales funnel are explained: 5 steps to fill the sales pipeline

But in appearance and structure, our approach, based on Russell Brunson's work, differs from the general Aida sales funnel model:

illustration of a sales funnel

The main difference is to get a perspective that is actively involved with you at every step of the process.

While Aida has a company that gives, gives, until the perspective changes, Brunson's funnel involves both parties in the Giving and taking process. This version causes minor conversions from a target consumer about to buy.

This is called the cost ladder, and its stages directly reflect the stages of the sales funnel:

The cost of the sales funnel

It can even be said that each stage of the sales funnel (bait, interface, etc.) contains a "mini funnel". Let's see how to do this.

Know your offer preliminary step: Know Your Offer (s)

First, you want to define everything you offer your customers as they move through the funnel, from the bait to the back.

Before going through each section, look at the entire sales funnel and consider the final goals.

This initial phase is essential for success. If you don't know what you are offering your customers in different places, you don't have a good reason to keep going.

different stages of the sales funnel

Download this five-step template (complete with a 10-step checklist)

You also want to define how to link each subsequent set in your funnel. The idea is to take advantage of lower-level offers to prepare customers to take full advantage of the next product or service.

Think about it: "okay, you've experienced great success with product a - now we want to increase this success by adding product B to the mix.”


(Even if "Product B" is not based on "product a", your customers may have no reason to move on to the next stage of the sales funnel.)


While your customers will certainly experience a common sales funnel in stages, you should have a clear schedule in place, how and why you will walk through them on your way to your most valuable business.

TrafficStage 1. Road traffic

Not all traffic is the same: focus on how your target audience enters the sales track.



This preliminary stage is a kind of" controlled consciousness", including the fact that you want to be intentional, which you, in turn, bring into your funnel, so you can avoid attracting low-quality prospects.

Therefore, this step in the process involves the optimization of ads, content and connected sources, with which you will bring traffic to the funnel. Think:

Where your valuable prospects "hang" on the Internet

What social networks and/or content do you interact with

Which free or cheaper offers will encourage you to take your first steps with the new brand

Of course, if you do not know how to attract new customers who are interested even in offers of the lowest level, you will not be able to interest them in your large articles or services.

But by meeting the task force in a place where you are (and where it's convenient to participate in your branding), you can push them to the funnel entrance on your terms — and direct them to a path in the direction where you want them to be.

BaitStage 2. Behave

A lead magnet is offered to potential customers for free or at a very low price.


A little explanation here …

While " bait "is a phase of the general sales funnel, each" mini funnel " requires the use of a low-risk offer to reach potential customers and get them to engage further.

At lower levels of the value ladder, the cap can take the form of free content, webinars, a course in the form of an email sequence or product samples. At higher levels, Zero offers-that is, you deliberately do not make a turnover, but make a profit when passing through the funnel - can be used to keep the client ready for action.

sale funnel bait stage

If you are giving something away for free now, you will have to prepare the recipient to make a more valuable purchase at some point in the near future, that is, where real money will have to be made. You can even trade at a loss on bait trading, as long as the next stage of the funnel is ready to make a profit for selling them.

You can also pull off those who do not use the bait offer. After all, those who are not interested in low-risk offers are unlikely to be ready to buy their big tickets.

Front End Offer Stage 3. Front End Offer

A low price and low risk offering that adds value to new customers by allowing them to solve superficial problems with minimal investment.

As soon as your potential customers take advantage of your lure offer, you'll want to send it directly to the landing page or compress a page that displays a "targeted" premium offer. (You can and should also follow up on suggestions via email at the same time; a practice called "funnel stacking".”)

Here the prices for your business will be slightly higher …

Those who see this sales-oriented content have been pre-qualified (through their lure offer), which means they should be interested in the premium product or service they have for you.

This means when you are able to hold their attention and effectively communicate the true value of your offer. You can do this by optimizing the various elements on the squeeze page …

Squeeze Page Copy

Copying-that is, the words themselves-should quickly convey the value of your meaning and prepare the audience for immediate action.

You can do this by following the checklist below when making a copy of the squeeze page:

Let your brand's personality go through (be a relative character)

Setting up a message for recipients

Reduce sentences and paragraphs, but give more depth

Write at reading level or below 6th grade

Use bullets or numbered lists

Add a title or image every 200-300 words

In short: talk directly to your target audience and don't complicate your message.


The easier it is for the target audience to see the value of your offer, the more likely you are to get them to do so.

Squeeze page images and videos

Words are the basis of your squeeze page. But the content can take many forms:

A story video that shows what your brand is

A demo (or explainer) video showing your product in action

An interview with a current or former customer where you discuss your positive experience with your product or service

The approach you use depends largely on the level of the value ladder you are currently targeting.


For example, if you want to gain a new perspective on the initial offer, you want to quickly present it to your brand and discuss the "quick profits" that you can expect.

In general, this video content should be short and to the point-maximize the chances that new prospects will see it in full. the hero's video is only two minutes and fifteen seconds long: introduction video -

His videos (like mini - case studies) - later on the same page-are even shorter. They are all under a minute:

videos with reviews on

On the other hand, if you want to make a final sale of a product at a higher price, you can choose a long route of video content.

long-form of video content

The reason for this is that those who are on the verge of a more expensive purchase want to get as much information as possible that you can give them, and they are more likely to stay long enough to be safe.


Squeeze Page Social Proof

Social proof can and should be used to reinforce the claims you made on your squeeze website.


Adapt this content to the level of the value ladder that you are currently aiming for. Essentially, this means that the customer comment you use is the same as the one you suggested - and specific to your use case for your target audience.

Ladyboss Labs seeds different types of social proof throughout Squeeze website by opening short links and logos to show credibility …

ladyboss labs social proof

... and add direct notes along with real social media from your customers:


ladyboss labs customer escort ads

A generalized social proof of your brand can work to gain new perspectives. However, you should use some anecdotes from successful customers if you want to increase sales further on the funnel.

Squeeze Call-To-Action Page

No matter what you offer on a particular site, you need to be crystal clear about what your audience needs to do to get it.

Achieve. Make sure your CTA stands out from every other part of the landing page so that interested customers can take the next step as soon as they're ready.

There is no doubt about what actions LadyBoss wants to take from visitors to the site …

Add to wishlist

In some cases, you may even want to include a CTA at the top, bottom, and center of the page. The last thing you want is for a dedicated audience not to connect with your brand just because you're not sure how to do it.

An increasingly valuable and intensive solution that helps customers solve a deeper problem and better prepare them for the product or service at the highest price.

Let's get started.

At each stage of the value ladder, when your potential customers reach the bottom of the "mini-funnel", you need to make an irresistible proposal that will allow you to fulfill a certain task-and prepare them for the next stage of the ladder.

Back to LadyBoss, his average proposal is an invitation to "join the club":

product selection-LadyBoss checkout page

If you have thought of medium sentences before, the question is: …

Upsell or Downsell?

Upsell is an offer that costs more than your front-end offer; downsell costs less. This is an important part of the sales funnel.

Submit an offer from upsell before or immediately after your order is confirmed that will increase the value of your original order and improve your overall brand experience.

(And of course, you can increase your income too.)

Usually, upsell proposals take the form:

Sales prices for large orders

Individual version or variation of the original product or service

Offer to increase subscription length at a reduced price

Additional products (cross-sells)

If they do not decide to sell, they should submit a lower risk offer that satisfies them where they are.

Examples of downsells are:

A high priced upsell payment plan

A smaller, cheaper version of the upsell offer

Limited and reduced trial period for upselling offer

In both cases, the idea is to take advantage of the opportunities at hand-to ensure the exact value of the potential customers currently seeking.

email marketing

You will notice that almost all examples mark a visitor's email address.

That's because email marketing is a key component of a customer's journey: before, during and after the purchase.

We don't want to get rid of the topic, especially since email is a detailed tactic. Therefore, we ourselves wrote about it in detail:

How to develop an email list from scratch

How to create effective email marketing campaigns

Stage 5. Backend offer

Your most valuable, intense, and expensive product or service that customers can constantly use to solve an always existing problem in their lives.

So far, we have made it clear that your ultimate goal is to combine all the "mini-funnels" to create a comprehensive sales funnel.

The hope is to turn brand new customers into high-ranking customers in your business. As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of your target audience will simply not be willing to participate in your value proposition …

Until you try the products or services in the lower layers.

In fact, there is no guarantee that your customers will simply move on to the next level of value if they are already experiencing everything you have to offer at the present stage. In many cases, customers are more likely to stick to what they know rather than risk moving to the next level of Service.

(Or you can give up altogether by getting everything you can offer at a certain price.)

It is your duty to convince them that they can get lots of value from the next top level of their value ladder.



Note that at this stage of the ascent the client will find himself in a limbo-he received almost the full value from the previous step of the stairs, but not yet ready to enter the next "mini-funnel", which you have prepared for you.

So instead of pushing your more valuable offering hard, you just want to keep them connected to your brand.

Essentially, this is because they are doing everything they can to continue adding value to you after purchasing a particular product or service.

This can mean:

Provide personalized content in a preferred format that allows you to get the absolute maximum from the product or service you are currently using

Provide high-quality customer service and support - from deployment to troubleshooting to instructions on how to "use the power" of your offering

Step by step, the added value of the service you provide touches on the highest level-the specific costs that an individual customer is looking for

Communities (Facebook group) can live and thrive in

It's simple …

If you can prove that your main concern is providing value to customers — even after you've already given them your money - you'll be much more likely to trust that the more expensive offer is worth the price of admission.

different stages of the sales funnel

Take this five-step pattern (along with all 10 steps)!

How to create a sales funnel: do not start from scratch

Conducting market research

Many competitors have probably already created a sales funnel or a marketing funnel that generates interactions and sales from the exact type of customer you want to attract with your funnels.

We do not advocate copying what your competitors are doing. But you want to pay attention to how competing brands are working to develop their audience into "big sales" at the end of the sales funnel.

And here it comes to the sale funnel hack.

What is Sales Funnel Hacking?

"Funnel Hacking is a process that strategically studies your competitors' sales and marketing process, allowing you to model and test your own sales and marketing processes.”

In other words, you will actually participate in the different stages of the sales funnel of the competition and then reshape the process to decide how to proceed to create your own.

How to hack funnel competitors

1. List your competitors

Their main goal, of course, will be direct competition. Make a list of all well-known companies that sell similar products or services.

You'll also want to take a look at your intermediate race. Here you will consider companies that do not necessarily sell in your niche, but whose audience coincides with yours.

In this way, you will be able to better understand the sales tactics that your target audience is taking action.

Be broad at the beginning. While you may end up in the list for your most successful competitors, you may also want to consider competing companies whose approach is not as effective as it can be — which avoids you making the same mistakes.

2. Inclusion, documentation, and analysis

More than just checking competitors ' websites, landing pages, marketing platforms, and other marketing content, you should take screenshots and create swipe files. When you do this, you need to categorize these artifacts accordingly.

We recommend that you create separate folders for bait, frontend and backend offers for each analyzed competitor. You can also create a folder created specifically for documenting ads, which you can further categorize based on the environment in which it is presented (for example, Facebook, Google, etc.).).).

At this point, you don't have to communicate too far with your various competitors, especially if you have to spend money on their products or services for this.

You want to take as many preliminary steps as possible - such as subscribing to mailing lists, requesting more information, and downloading free content.

Having collected a solid collection of artifacts, you should start analyzing them from different angles.

These include questions with a blue seal:

What words (copywriting) do you use in headlines?

What colors do you use throughout the content?

Are the buttons above the fold or below the fold?

Do you use videos and images or just text?

Do you list the benefits or features?

Do they contain Social evidence as references?

Are there pop-ups when you stop?

Has the header Area been corrected?

Is there a complete registration or rejection form?

Is action required for more than one contact point?

The price is indicated for your products (if so, what are your prices?)

How many words are on the website?

The idea is to take into account as many different aspects as possible — and understand why competitors chose the approach they did.

(In fact, it is much more important to focus on the "causes" of these superficial issues. Remember that you will not necessarily copy competitors, but you will implement their effective approaches in your own way, creating your own trains.)

If you find answers to these questions, you should document this information in the folders you created.

3. Evaluating tracking strategies

During the above stage of the sales Funnel hacking process, you probably only saw about 20 to 30% of competitors ' sales funnels.



However, we want to know what tools your competitors are using and decide if you should use the same tools.

To solve this problem, you need to download two extensions in Google Chrome:

First, check Ghostery. With this extension, you can see an "invisible" network by detecting trackers, network errors, pixels and beacons on websites on Facebook, Google and other platforms that collect information about your online activities.

ghostly extension

Although this app is primarily intended to remain hidden from trackers, you can use it to determine which trackers and programs are used by competing companies.


Another is BuiltWith Technology profiles, which allows you to see with one click a stack of tools running on a website, especially on marketing and e-commerce platforms.

BuiltWith Technology profiles

This will begin to answer questions about traffic and conversion rate when it comes to competitive strategies, for example.:

Do you use remarketing (also known as retargeting)?

Do you use Google, Facebook or other platforms?

Do you use software to track your conversion rate?

The list of questions that you can ask (and find the answer) is almost inexhaustible.

It is important to dig up the information that is most important to your business when you start building your own sales funnels. All this should go directly to the notes that were created in the previous step of the Sales Funnel Hacking process.

4. Use The Tools For Competitive Analysis

You also want to know how your competitors are getting traffic in the first place. This will tell you which sources you should focus on if you want to discover high value prospects for your business.

Use the following competitive analysis tools to discover these innovative solutions:

AdBeat or WhatRunsWhere

These tools instantly reveal the strategies of the online advertisers in your industry. You can see everything from how many days you spend money and trigger certain ads, to creative content and landing pages to which you send paid traffic.


Focusing on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and sem (search engine marketing), SEMrush collects an idea of how competition generates traffic.

This includes information related to search positions (and changes), advertising, keywords that manage copy, advertising, video, links to generate payments necessary for its movement, keyword research — and much, much more.


This traffic-focused tool allows you to control a variety of activities on profiled sites. SimilarWeb allows you to identify both the best referral websites and the best landing pages as people flow to and from your competitor.

5. Trade with the best competitors

After determining which of your competitors is worth a closer look, the next step is to actually interact with them as if you were an interested customer.

(Note: while you may dare to give money to competitors, the understanding you can collect and then put in your own sales funnels will be worth the introductory price.)

Here you want to get very thorough documentation and analysis.

You do not need to buy at the highest level, but you want to behave as if you are doing it.

This means that as soon as you've almost reached the end of your sales path, you want to get into a sales conversation with them — all the time, if you take into account everything that they talk about all the time.

Since this is a "big" sale that your competitors wanted to make from the start, you can be sure that they will leave everything on the table, so to speak. This, in turn, provides a great opportunity to discover all the information that you may have missed during the hacking process in the sales funnel.

(Although you do not need to make this final purchase, it will allow you to get even more information about the real value of competitors ' products or services. This can not only help to further develop your own sales funnel, but also allow you to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors ' offer — and make the necessary improvements to your own offer.)

Ask yourself questions like …

What specific value or benefit does a particular offer offer?

What measures should be taken to receive an offer?

What strategies do you use to move them forward?

How does each subsequent offer relate to the previous and next phase of the sales funnel?

The answers to these questions will complement your understanding and allow you to clearly see what to offer your customers in your own sales funnel.

1. Assign your domain name and URL to your offer

It's pretty obvious, but it's still worth mentioning …

The domain name and URL you use for the sales funnel should be representative of your brand and offering.

The URL is "" it not only comes out as generic, but also as overly salesy. While your customers are smart enough to know when to sell, there's no reason they're outrageous.

It sounds like a small detail, but matching a URL with an offer will give the character of your brand to the customer and it will be one less thing to distract the audience from the next step.

We are disciplined in ClickFunnels. Not only for SEO (search engine optimization) are the benefits of comparing URLs with content, but also for the transparency they provide.

Take note of our simplicity and the few pages we looked at above …

2. The structure of each phase of the sales funnel is relative: WWWH

If we talk about customers with sales funnel content, it is important that everything that potential customers see access them on a personal and individual level.

That means using WWWH …

Who is your ideal customer you trust, and who should you place on the site to embody you (current customers)?

What do you want from your product or service? What are you trying to escape from or find a solution to?

Why did you do that? What are the deeper emotional needs and pains that you are experiencing now? Why are costs lower than benefits?

How can your pictures, words and prompts enliven you?

Remember: your customers don't want to be sold; they want to get value.

And they also don't want to put in so much effort to solve their problem; they want you to make it easier.

3. Address "Fang"

After doing the above, your potential customers are likely to continue talking themselves:

"It sounds too good to be true.”

Your goal is to explain to them that your offer is real. However, this does not necessarily mean that your proposal is always on the table.

Perhaps they will offer a quick sale or a one-time offer. Or maybe you plan to stop using the product or service after some time.

In any case, the direction of the" catch " to your current offer can cause a sense of urgency, which makes you more vulnerable to immediate action.

Since your customers will probably be looking for a "catch" anyway, you can also give them one that puts the ball in your dish. In this way, you will realize that the only thing in between is the offer ... yourself.

4. Add Warranty

In the marketing of the customer, and "too good to be true" is the nature of the sales funnel, they also want to minimize the risk that the prospect has to accept when moving from the purchase.

In fact, you can even go a step further and explain what exactly you will risk when doing business with customers. Known as a risk reversal, the idea is to make potential customers feel like they have no reason not to have the offer at hand.

Whether you offer money-back guarantees, double money-back guarantees, or any other risk-free guarantee, you will assure your potential customers ' trust in your brand in two key ways …

First, they simply have nothing (or very little) to lose, and they have a lot of value. Second, confidence in your ability to keep a promise will shine - building trust when it matters most.

5. Summary

If the prospect or customer at any level of the cost ladder is close to the place of purchase, two things are for sure:

So far you have given them a certain value in your relationship

They have somehow evolved since they first attended your brand

As soon as you start closing the sale, it is necessary that these two points are clear to the potential customer.

The goal is to strengthen. At some level, the customer knows about these things, but may not consciously think about them when you actually make an offer.

But with a slight gentle nudge at the end, they will remind you how far you have gone and how far you can go.

Notice how the 14-day mig soap call order page summarizes all items in a short form next to the order form in two steps:

Order page for 14-day me Soap call


6. Order of the corresponding pages

The key to effectively educating consumers through the sales funnel is to encourage them to act at every point of contact.

You even want to go as far as creating points of contact for potential customers to participate in the entire sales funnel. Methods such as two-step tripwire are shown here.



tripwire 2-stage hopper

As the name suggests, two-step Tripwire has consumers who follow two steps to have a general task at hand. Most often, this two-step process looks like this:

The interested party fills out the contact form on the first page of the sales funnel (usually in exchange for a free quote)

On the other hand, the interested party is shown with a small ticket, a frontend offer. If you decide to make a purchase, you will only be asked to provide payment information.

This leads to a technique called "foot-in-the-door", to gradually request perspective for more information after you promise to provide surface-level information.

You can then surprise them with a more valuable offer if they are a little more invested in your brand.

Even if a potential client does not decide to proceed with the purchase, you will still collect his contact information, and then you can send him better offers in the future.

7. Order your offers on purpose

It is important to know how each of the" mini funnels "connect with each other to create a comprehensive sales funnel that covers all levels of the value ladder.

Within each "mini sales funnel", this means offering content and giveaways that prepare the customer to get the most out of the main offer at this level. Within the framework of the general sales funnel, this means that those who have passed one" mini-funnel" are ready to go into the next.

Essentially, you want your customers to feel like they are" moving " to the next level of the cost ladder when they reach a certain point with lower products.

If the next offer has nothing to do with the previous product or service you offered, your audience will probably not hesitate to take the next step with your brand.

8. Combine packages, bumps, upsells and downsells

Once the prospect has reached the point where you think they are ready to make a purchase, you need to be sure that the offer you are offering them is very suitable for your specific circumstances.

Of course, the ideal scenario is that the interested parties simply use the basic offer as it is.

When your" typical " offer is not exactly what the customer is looking for ... you need to have more deals ready to keep you on the right path to conversion.

If a potential client does not feel ready to buy a service in the middle or upper class, you will need a connected, but cheaper service to offer them. It is important to tailor these downsells to your specific perspective needs (as opposed to a more generalized downsell for any prospect who rejects your main offer).

On the other hand, if a customer accepts your main offer, you also want to offer upsales that meet their needs. You will be much more likely to accept this subsequent offer if it offers the specific value you want to get from your brand.

9. Enable social proof

No matter how valuable your products or services are — and no matter what you say about this value — you absolutely need to back up your claims with evidence of your current customer base.

When you spread social proof across the sales funnel, you provide potential proof you need to feel safe.

First, moderna consumer trusts his colleagues more than the brands with which he does business. Providing all kinds of social proof can enable potential customers to truly understand what to get while continuing to interact with your brand.

Social proof can take many forms:

Short comments

Long-term references

Written case studies

Video Reviews

User generated content

Photos and videos posted on a social network

Logo or "trust marks"

Before and after photos

Numerical ratings and reviews

10. Pay attention to the Exit Intent offers in the sales funnel

As you probably know, most people who click on your landing page will eventually go further without the slightest step.

Although this is to be expected, you should not just accept it without struggle.

Instead, you should take steps to save them to your landing page-and ideally consider your offer.

Activate the exit intent clauses on each of the landing pages. This means adding pop-ups, overlays, and other such "add-ons" that are shown to visitors to your site when it is clear that they are ready to go somewhere else.

Within these overlays, you can include one-time offers for giveaways, downsells, or other offers with a lower value that may interest more uncertain prospects.

That way, you can make the last few efforts to keep these people involved before they leave your site forever.


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