How to make money with Adfly- A simple passive method with Proof

Can Adfly really help you monetize your links? Well, the answer to this question is, but yes, before you start monetizing links to you need to know some important things.

What Is Adfly?

Adfly is a free link shortcut similar to Bitly. There are many Shortener links online, but not all of them can monetize your link. Adfly is one of these exceptions. It's easy to join this network, and anyone can create a free account.

If you shorten your link to Adfly, you will get a URL that you will get when clicked to earn a commissar when people click on your link. The reason you get paid is because you agree that advertisers first direct their traffic to the ad before going to your link.The downside to this is that your visitor may not be able to access your site.

Click Here to Register to Adfly

After experimenting with this, I found that it becomes confusing for the user to learn how to skip the ad and get to where they intended it to be. On the plus side, you are automatically paid to have only one visitor click on your link. There may be circumstances where this may not be so important. An example would be if you send someone to a random article that you want to read compared to a campaign that you want to direct traffic to.

Other Ways to Make Money with Adfly

While you can certainly start making money right away by sharing your links that have been shortened to Adfly, there are a few other monetization methods that bring in better money without affecting your links.

One of the best ways to make money with Adfly is through a referral program. They currently offer lifetime recurring commissions of 20% of your referral earnings. Your payouts vary, but you can find more information in your pay list on your website.

Adfly is a great way to get passive income, because the user doesn't need to make a purchase. Free registrations are always great. You can link to them by word of mouth, write a blog, share your contacts, make a review video, and much more.

Another great way to make money with Adfly is to link to others to serve ads on Adfly. If you already have an email list or are a webmaster, this is another simple revenue stream.

My last thoughts on how to make money with Adfly

While I wouldn't use it to shorten campaign URLs, I'd rather stick with a referral program and shorten non-important links when it comes to monetization. Since this is a widely used tool, I would also recommend experimenting with placing ads through Adfly. You can find more information about this on their main website. Overall, is a great way, another way to add passive income. While you don't make a lot of money with Adfly, what you earn definitely adds up.

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