How many consonants are there in Spanish - Consonant Definition in Spanish

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Spanish Tools Online Grammar Book

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1. Consonants / consonants

Spanish spelling is fairly consistent: most letters represent a single sound regardless of its position in the word. Please note the following features:

H-La-hash never says it. Thus, words like Honduras, now, and alcohol do not have aspiration before the sound / or/.

Ch-La che is always pronounced as in "greeting": car, Eight.

~ Ax is not combined with any other consonant: no th, sh, ph, gh, etc.

(The English “ph "can be translated to "f": philosophy, Philadelphia, ghost.)

C-EU is pronounced / k / (as in " case”) in most positions: case, thing, quota, frequency, crisis.

- Before-e, - i, pronounced /s/ (as in "sin”) in America or /th/ (as in" thin”) in Spain: sky, accent.

- Sound / K / (as in "kiss"), spelled " ku” (silence “U”) before-e, - I: cheese, quince.

G-ge is pronounced / g / (as in " go”) in most positions: gala, drop, glove, balloon.

- Before-e, - I, pronounced almost like / H / (as in " Hyun”): the general, the gypsy.

- Sound / G / (as in “get"), spelled " GU” (silence “U”) before-e, - I: war, guitar.

~ If the letter "u “is pronounced in the combination "gue/gui", it is marked with an umlaut (umlaut): penguin, bilingual, Nicaraguan.

Q-ku is only used in combinations that are / qui, and " u " is always mute in this position. Thus, the word quintet does not have the sound /u/, and the English "quota" and "frequent" are translated to quota and frequent.

Z-zeta is pronounced /s / in America and / th / in Spain.

Spanish avoids the ze / zi combination and prefers ce, ci: pencil → pencils; zebra, Zenith.

Only four consonants can be doubled to represent certain sounds:

* cc is only used before "e “or" i " and sounds /ks/ (/kth/ in Spain): action and access, but the emphasis is going on.

* ll sounds / and/: street, flame but illegal, hint, smart.

* rr represents the famous "rolling r" only among vowels: dog, cart vs but, expensive.

* nn is only used when adding a prefix ending in "n “to a word starting with "n":

unnecessary, connotation, but annual, annotation, compound.

There are no other repeated consonants in Spanish: effective, common, possibility, impossible, addition.

Summary / Abstract

Never say the letter H (hache): alcohol, now, man, Honduras, Holocaust.

The hard sound of C: / k/, as in a kiss

Sound S/Z:/S/ O /TH / like in a sink / thinks

Hard sound G: / g / like in get

soft sound G: / h / like in chicken that qui co cu

open system.

ga gue gui go gu

ja je ji jo ju ge gi search, I searched

perform, I performed

Pay up, I've paid up.

Daughter, gypsy

As you can see, the vowels e and i are exceptional in their combination with g and C.

Words that, who, war, and guitar can help you remember these spelling changes.

No double consonants except rr, ll, cc and nnph → f: philosophy

Practice 1. Write the Spanish equivalent of the following words, noting the spelling.

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2. Consonants / vowels

Spanish has five vowel sounds-a, e, I, o, u -, pronounced the same regardless of their position in one word:

a. as the sound in "father”: home, soul

e. as the sound e in" Let”: li, dinner

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or. like the sound of aw in "lawn": son, leaf

s. oo the sound in "loom": you, honduras (u mute in this, qui, gue, gui)

* i and u are called " weak” (weak or closed) because when combined with another vowel, they are usually pronounced as a syllable: Ruiz, was, dal, have a single syllable. They are considered true diphthongs in Spanish-two vowels in a syllable-as in a * Gua or Vien * to.

* a, O, and E are called "strong" (strong or open). Two strong vowels are pronounced as two syllables: po * e * ma has three syllables, ca * os has two. These are not true diphthongs, as the vowels belong in different syllables.
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